What Will "the Raw Seething Arrogance of the Elite" Do to Us? - Granite Grok

What Will “the Raw Seething Arrogance of the Elite” Do to Us?

all sides is one side

I am a Zionist Jew, and thus I subscribe to a variety of news sources about Israel to attempt to keep up with the goings-on in my spiritual home.

Some are on the Right, some are on the Left, some are a mix, a couple are wingnuts, but I peruse them all even just in a skimming mode to get a broad perspective of things. I do myself no favors by only reading sources that I agree with – intellectual honesty demands that I look at information I do not agree with so as to not be in an ideological bubble, and to challenge/test my understanding against other views to make sure I am as close to The Truth as humanly possible, wherever that Truth lies.

But I came across this pity-party-for-me piece that just made my gorge rise up; America is no more:

You cannot hold together a nation in which huge numbers of people embrace a kind of idiocy that ought to be embarrassing, but is instead proudly displayed. Science isn’t real. Facts are choices. Truth is like a feather, floating in a cauldron. Education need not have any bases in reality, in history, in analysis. The only thing that matters is what each of us individually wants, cares about, and chooses. Collective interest only matters if the collective “I am in” has been fully vetted for full agreement and fidelity to whatever the ideology of the group happens to be. And let’s not forget the pornographic attachment to guns and other weapons of violence that seem to be at the heart of America, always ready to displace anything that resembles truly life-affirming and dignity-endorsing choices, the things a sane, compassionate, worthy society and nation ought to care about above all.

In other words, the raw seething arrogance of the elite who believes they are the wisest, best educated, most noble, etc., etc., etc. The disdain for anyone who thinks otherwise is clear. Thomas Sowell captured it well in Vision of the Anointed (a must-read book IMHO). This quote of his applies perfectly:

“One of the most pathetic—and dangerous—signs of our times is the growing number of individuals and groups who believe that no one can possibly disagree with them for any honest reason.”

This writer I referenced is, obviously, of a different opinion than myself on – well – just about everything. That’s all well and good – if I value my right to think for myself I must acknowledge their right to do the same – but where I take issue is their moral superiority in thinking as they do.

When the food shortage hits, the national race war starts, the Jab die-off starts, or the nation gets hit with an EMP, China goes after Taiwan or Israel attacks Iran’s facilities and the world ignites, or any of innumerable possibilities pop the stability of the bubble in which she lives, and this woman screams for a man with a gun to protect her from the emerging savagery, I can only say this – two back to back quotes, from mightily different people, that sum up my reply:

Man with a Sword


Ayn Rand - consequences of ignoring reality

She will call for help, and even were it in my power, I will whisper “No”.

