I Think Our Elites Are Missing the Message: “...See Explosion of Fake Vaccination Cards...” - Granite Grok

I Think Our Elites Are Missing the Message: “…See Explosion of Fake Vaccination Cards…”

Collectivism - dumber than all of us

I really did have to chuckle at the actual headline: “Restrictions on Unvaccinated People See Explosion of Fake Vaccination Cards: Researchers.” Reformatted, emphasis mine:

Amid a bevy of COVID-19 vaccine mandates being handed down by governments and businesses, there has been an explosion of fabricated vaccination cards, according to researchers.

“As a segment of the population tries to avoid the new measures, the darknet reacts to the real market and thus demand gives birth to offers,” Dmitry Galov, a researcher at cybersecurity firm Kaspersky, said in interview with The Wall Street Journal, referring to the fake vaccine cards.

Where there is a market, it will be filled by entrepreneurs. If people are reacting negatively to what the Government is ordering, they are the ones that will be the first to pick up the Message that people are unhappy in being told what to do – and try to help.

America, in part, was built on folks that rebelled against their Governments by voting with their feet and voting with their money in buying from smugglers that were engaged in “arbitrage” in bypassing what the Government message was (“you will pay our tax on your goods”).

Related: The People’s Republic of Hawaii (PRH) Arrests Travelers For Fake Vaccine Documents

I’d like to sneak in the word “goofballs” in here in describing clueless bureaucrats that either can’t hear or refuse to hear that kind of Message that the market (“the people”) are sending in return to the Government Message (“you can’t have that until we get our vigorish in some manner – money or change in behavior”) but that word is way too kind.

Forged vaccine cards that claim to be issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been proliferating on Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and other online marketplaces, according to reports. In another example, an Instagram account with the username “vaccinationcards” sells laminated COVID-19 vaccination cards for $25 each. A user on the messaging app Telegram offers “COVID-19 Vaccine Cards Certificates” for as much as $200 apiece.

Gosh!  Those prices make our “COVID CONTROL GROUP RECORDS” a literal steal (3 for $10, 6 for %15)!  Unlike what Socialists believe (that they can arbitrarily set a price for any reason they desire), prices are information – and they send messages as well and not just to actual consumers.

In this case, that people are so upset with the trending messaging that the Collectivists are sending themselves, they are willing to pay a high price for relief.

And if you don’t think that those who only think in terms of groups rather than concerned with individuals (they’re easy to identify – listen to their sentence structure like the below) aren’t hearing this return message, well, they’re steamed:

“The United States, unlike most countries which have electronic systems in place, is basing its vaccination on a flimsy paper card,” he said. “There needs to be policies in place for accountability to make sure that every student is operating in the collective interest of the entire campus,” he said of universities.

First, note that Government should be in charge – solidly in charge with “foolproof” systems  (the actual word specifically split in two – what’s the message *I* am sending here?).  Accountability, collective interest.  Note the conformity demand along with the implicit punishment threat – even if this ding-a-ling hadn’t used the word “collectivist”, you should recognize the intent: Freedom restricted to what is only positive to the Common Good”.

It’s one reason why we hear the word “community” all the time in almost everything – the is a concerted push to raise up the collective as “community”, by definition, is a group. You rarely hear the Left use the word Individual and “Rugged Individual” is like walking into a High Liturgical church service swearing like a sailor (or these days, a rapper or gangbanger).

It’s like removing Indian-styled logos without the SJW affection for “the oppressed” – the intent is to make Indians / Individuals “disappear” from our cultural sight.

(H/T: The Epoch Times)
