By Civility, I Mean…

Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona recently said that while he doesn’t have a problem with differences of opinion, he feels that things have changed regarding the tone of conversations about education.  In the past, he says,

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Chris Pappas screen grab campaign ad 2022

Why Spend Money on Criticizing Pappas, Kuster, or Hassan?

My campaign to be nominated as the Republican to oppose Chris Pappas had nothing to do with Chris Pappas. I mean nothing, nada, zilch. I hope the winner of “my” seat, Karoline Leavitt, will take the same approach. People today are longing for something new and something that unites, not divides.

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US Senator Joe Manchin Flickr by WV Gov Earl Ray Tomblin

Joe Manchin

Looks very much like Leftist Democrats are cranking up their hate and smear machine to punish Senator Joe Manchin for not bowing and scraping at the feet of “President” Biden and his Build Back Better.

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Sure thing, Spartacus – why is the Left so wont to slime potential voters?

It is never good for a manufacturer or retailer to mock or denigrate their buyers.  Making sport of your customers (or potential customers) is not exactly a primary way to enlarge your bottom line.  When you tell them “you suck and your beliefs suck, too”, you’ve generally just told them “I no longer need your business”.

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Stephanie Kifowit Illinois Democrat

Illinois Democrat Rep. Wishes Death On Republican and His Family

Democrats have been heaping hatred and wishing death on political opponents and their families for years. One of my ‘fans’ once wished for me get front row seats to the debut of the next Batman Movie shortly after the theater shooting in Aurora. Nice people. Until recently there was an unwritten agreement among the unhinged … Read more

When Jeanne Shaheen talks about “bipartisanship”

Shaheen hopes election leads to bipartisanship Sen. Jeanne Shaheen said the Democrats’ victory to take control of the U.S. House of Representatives shows “there are a lot of people who have not been happy with what’s going on in Washington.”…Voters on Election Day also showed “what they want to see is a check on this … Read more

gender vs sex

So Trump is going to reverse Obama’s re-definition of what gender is?

Hey, it was the Progressives that decided that gender had nothing to do with the chromosomes you had and only depended on the thoughts in your head and went ahead and decided to redefine our common language (AHgain!) in support of their agenda in wiping out all traditional values and view points.  Now, wait for Progressive and Gender Warrior heads to ‘splode in 3…2…1…

‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration

The Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth, the most drastic move yet in a governmentwide (sic) effort to roll back recognition and protections of transgender people under federal civil rights law.

Funny, we’ve had the definition of gender as your biological sex for thousands of years.  The redefinition has only been in force for a few so after a mere handful of years of redefining it as NOT that, this is “drastic“? Just like what the Left did with the fundamental definition of what marriage was? Yet another case of the Left having a hissy fit because they aren’t getting their way?  How DARE we!

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Deficit – What Deficit?

The party that is bringing civility ( see here, here, here, herehere, here (sigh) here, here, a big one right here,…) ran on the idea that the New Hampshire Republican House and Senate was leaving New Hampshire with a deficit, a presumption only “slightly” less dishonest than the notion that Democrats are civil, or half as dishonest as the idea that democrat Carol-Shea-Porter even knows the gun laws in her own state. Turns out, as usual, they were wrong.

“At this point, if spending levels come in as predicted, the state could end the budget cycle (the result of the budget passed two years ago) with a $43 million balance…”

Now to be fair, 63% of this projected Republican Surplus is from a lawsuit windfall, the rest is just taxes being caught up etc, but either way the Republicans leave the new budget writers without the need to pay for 800 million in fixed spending for which there was no revenue, with something extra for the rainy day fund.

So yeah, about that…

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The new civility

Between Saturday’s rally and the big Concord gun show at the Everett arena, I got to spend time with more than 2,000 nice people – mothers, fathers, little ones, oldies but goodies, friends and neighbors.  We talked about common interests – guns, our families, the lovely change in the weather and getting our gardens going; … Read more

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