We feel confident GraniteGrok provides you with plenty of ammo when it comes to engaging progressives regardless of party. But no one ever turns down backup, and the Trump Campaign is playing the Liberal’s game this holiday season.
Related: We are Already in the Midst of the Third “World War” – If You Want to Win “Be Trump”
It’s just another reason to hate him.
Introducing, Snowflakevictory.com. (I got a browser security warning when I clicked, but it’s all good.)
The page includes a list of topics to click on for more information from President Trump about America and our accomplishments. Click it to open a drop-down on page with a video and some talking points to roast the chestnuts of your liberal snowflake “friends.”
What’s remarkable is not the page or the video or the talking points. It is that your president is doing the one thing we’ve wanted (well, most of us have wanted) from Republicans for decades — someone who doesn’t just take it from the left.
Sorry, not just someone who does not take it, he starts it, delivering broadsides that send them spinning off on tangents of his choosing. A Republican president who understands a reality I try to remember to mention whenever I speak to local GOP groups.
The left was never civil. Ever. They have always been vicious. Anyone who has spent any time in the trenches knows that.
The idea of the partisan divide growing or the loss of civility under Trump is not a bad thing. It is someone standing up to the playground bully and giving back as good or better than they get.
You need violence to defeat the left. There is no need to silence them or to suppress their speech. Let them sing. Democrats are their own worst enemies.
Stick to your facts and be persistent. Don’t get mad, just beat them at their own game. And remember, the media will never be your friend.
That scares them.
Donald Trump is not just a threat as a chief executive who could unravel and expose the institutional corruption of the ruling class. He is a role model for candidates, activists, and regular Americans at every level of government. Encouraging them to stand up for what they believe in the face of screeching harpies and armies of climate zombies all pushing us toward socialism.
They keep coming at him and he refuses to bend. Yes, he has resources we do not. We will often need to help each other. But I said it this morning and I’ll repeat it here. If you want to win, be Trump.
Follow that example. Refuse to kneel. Fight to Win.
And hey, Merry Christmas!