China, Chinese Flag

One-Party Rule and Socialism Did Not Get China Where It Is Today

The so-called global West has been defined (roughly) since the end of World War II, as the group of countries composing NATO’s member states. This is led by the United Kingdom, the United States, and France.

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Notable Quote – Socialism provides no such Incentives

Capitalism provides many with the opportunity to display initiative. While the rigidity of a status society enjoins on everybody the unvarying performance of routine and does not tolerate any deviation from traditional patterns of conduct, capitalism encourages the innovator. Profit is the prize of successful deviation from customary types of procedure; loss is the penalty … Read more

Upsidedown GOP logo

2022 Shaping Up to be a Wave Election in New Hampshire … A BLUE Wave

Following a Presidential election, the Party out of power is supposed to win … or at least perform better than expected … in “special elections.” We have seen that happening everywhere across the country … EXCEPT in New Hampshire.

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Notable Quote – Capitalism Hasn’t Been “Unfettered” for Decades; Perhaps We Should Try It?

Once capitalism is seen as a profit-and-loss system, with everyone at the mercy of the sovereign consumer’s whims as he balances one marginal desire against another, the incidence of anticapitalistic criticism must shift.

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Sununu Texting

Chris Sununu – ‘Capitalist Hero’

Wednesday’s Executive Council meeting was noteworthy. Our Governor confused Socialism with Capitalism and our ill-prepared Executive Council failed to disabuse him of that mistake.

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Socialists Guaranteed to slaves Ronald Reagan vis eBaums world

“Socialist Magazine Founder Fires Staff for Socialist Organizing, Confesses He Felt Ownership of What He’d Made”

A socialist starts a socialist magazine, hires more Socialists that are “down with the Cause,” and then faces a revolt when his Socialist workers try to make it a “workers co-operative” and fires them. This is beyond hysterical.

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Notable Quote – Have Progressives already beat the Free Market into submission? Have we moved into Fascism controlled markets?

Reformatted, emphasis mine: In the interventionist state it is no longer of crucial importance for the success of an enterprise that operations be run in such a way that the needs of the consumer are satisfied in the best and least expensive way; it is much more important that one has “good relations” with the … Read more

Money cash

Is Capitalism Evil?

The cover page of the July 4th Union Leader read, “Poetry Returns with a Slam,” headlining the return of Slam Free or Die, a poetry club that had not met in person since the beginning of the COVID lockdowns.

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If You Want the Poor to be Richer, Socialism Can’t do That!

Do you want to be in charge of your own economic choices, or are you in favor of others making those choices without your input? That’s really what’s at stake and what Friedman points out here.

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cafehayek_May I Serve You

Notable Quote – May I Serve You?

Capitalism cannot just be summed up as voluntary acts of transaction in which both sides believe they have received the greater value.

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14.8 Billion Federal Dollars

TreeHugger Letting the Mask Drop – Are You a Subject or a Citizen? Part 2

Equality or Equity? This really is THE defining moment and point of the day. Normal Americans believe in the real history of how this Country was birthed and the Principles upon which we stand.

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Minimum Wage – A Cute Vignette…

This comes to us from a post at FEE (The Foundation for Economic Education) that features Mike Rowe (of “Dirty Jobs” fame). It talks about the real damage caused by the minimum wage.

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“In his own self-interest”; Capitalism encourages altruism

It may be the most common criticism of free enterprise, the economic system that has produced more wealth spread across by far the widest portion of people in all of human history: It’s all based on selfishness and greed.

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Defense of Free Markets

Defense of Free Markets

There has been way too little defense of free markets. There are many ways in which business elevates humanity. Capitalism is based on doing things for others, things others find value in. Innovation and value creation are inherent in free-market capitalism.

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UN United Nations

UN Sustainable Development Goals – Determined to Stamp Out Free Will

Want to live under one World Government? The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals are a bold attempt at just that. They aim at achieving equality on a global level. They are noble goals: Zero hunger. Zero poverty. But they would also mean zero freedom too.

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American Flag2

What America Represents … Facing the End

What America represents is the freedom and opportunity to which all people should aspire. America is the nobility of our accomplishments in history. How far we have come from small groups in wooden boats.

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Pick a peaceful protest

Black Lives Matter – BLM Leaders Saying what they Really Are

When the real “peaceful protests” started to not be peaceful at all, and when you couldn’t tell the BLM rioters from the Antifa ones, we shouldn’t have been surprised. I try to take people at their word when they are saying something “important” (as opposed to noticeably just joking around).

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Socialism Is the Scandinavian high life

Here are some of the more persistent socialism myths and information to debunk them.

We are seeing many socialist ideas gaining traction in America today. Polling shows about 70% of millennials say they would back a socialist candidate for elective office. This is troubling because of what socialism is and what it produces.

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Socialism is Based on Greed – Capitalism is Based on Serving Others

Capitalism is based on one and only one thing – serving others. Capitalism, or you as a capitalist, cannot succeed unless you are serving customers’ needs or wants. Period.

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Democrat Logo

Democrat National Committee Panelist – Our Aim is the Destruction of Capitalism

No longer does the question “What is the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist” have any relevance.  There are none. One only has to understand what the Black Lives Matters movement has openly said about Capitalism and that the three founders are “trained Marxist.”

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