Cash money bills

House Leadership Needs To Explain Where The Money Went

Yesterday, we published a story on an election law complaint citing discrepancies between donations to the Committee to Elect House Republicans (CTEHR) and the campaign finance reporting. Just under 170,000 dollars is unaccounted for. When asked for comment, Majority Leader Jason Osborne replied (in part) that, While this does not excuse the oversight, had Rep. … Read more

Oprah WInfrey

Oprah-Clooney-Swift-Deniro-Celebrity Fail

Celebrities endorsed Kamala’s candidacy under the impression it could move voters to vote…for Kamala.

Cash money bills

Harris Campaign Raised $1.2 Billion

The Kamala Harris campaign raised a record $1.2 billion in contributions. The Democrats will tell you that most donations are five or ten dollars. But to raise over one billion dollars for a 100-day campaign, anyone with a brain knows the millionaires and billionaires on both coasts had their pens flying across their checkbooks. The … Read more

Goodlander Hides Behind Out-Of-State Money

How can a Congressional candidate who has received 87.5 % of her campaign contributions from out-of-state donors truly represent New Hampshire?  How can you trust a candidate who suddenly rents an apartment in the district she seeks to represent after spending years elsewhere? How can you believe a candidate who avoids debate opportunities and relies … Read more

Scary Question: Does America Spend More on Elections or Halloween Candy?

October will be a wild, whacky ride in America. Not only is it a presidential election year, but American consumers are already preparing their Halloween decorations, costumes, and enough candy to sweetly forget about the impending political storm. From The Donald to Taylor Swift to cackling Kamala, 2024’s batch of Halloween costumes will be something to behold. … Read more

Will Lily Get 50% of the GOP Money?

Let’s talk about GOP money for federal office campaigns.  2024 is not a senatorial year, so that simplifies the discussion. There are two seats in the House, each representing 50% of Granite Staters.  One would think that the pie is divided evenly, and the two pieces would go to Lily Tang Williams and Councilor Russell Prescott, … Read more

Virginia Probes Top Dem Fundraising Platform For ‘Fraudulent’ Behavior

Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares announced Friday that his office is investigating ActBlue for allegations of fraud across the state. ActBlue is the premier fundraising platform for the Democratic Party and has facilitated billions of dollars in contributions since 2004. Miyares sent a letter to ActBlue warning the organization that it is now under investigation for collecting suspicious … Read more

Are Attorney Bolton and Bob Burns Kindred Spirits?

My RTK journey began almost 2 years ago when the City of Nashua was appraised for new property values (Laurie Ortolano has a wealth of examples to supplement mine).  Shocked by my personal copy of their report, I sought to know specific methods in which specific types of properties were appraised, compared to one another, … Read more

NH House 6-13-24

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (6/13/24)?

Today, we learned that this was the last day of the House Session until the Fall when we come back for “Veto Day.” Today’s program included three memorials by colleagues who remembered past House Members who passed away this year.

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Cash money bills

Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain!

As the 2024 election season gets underway in earnest (although it has actually been going on for quite some time already), it is probably useful to look behind the curtain of (a) political “consultants” and (b) political contributions through organized groups.

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Ayotte in sidecar of McCain motorcycle

Why Kelly Ayotte’s Pile of Campaign Cash Has Nothing to Do with Her Running for Governor (Not Exactly)

Former US Senator Kelly Ayotte left DC after one term to land on the boards of a bunch of different companies, including “BAE Systems, Caterpillar, Bloom Energy, Blackstone Group, News Corp., Boston Properties, and Blink Health, as well as the advisory boards of Microsoft, Chubb Insurance and Cirtronics.”

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Act blue money laundering

Who is Using Act Blue to Launder Money To Democrat PACs and Campaigns in Other People’s Names?

The O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) has uncovered what looks like a massive money laundering scam. The names of Act Blue donors in Maryland were used to move tens of thousands of small-dollar contributions from third parties without their knowledge.

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Tim McGough Campaign website

Tim McGough – Perhaps a Tough Fighter, Not So Much on “Financially”

So far, I’ve posted twice of his campaign finance filings – the first on the lack thereof, which seemed to spur him on to get himself caught up (the second one). His official NH campaign filings are in those posts. However, it still left questions as the aggregated “financial story” of his campaign is easily summarized by this:

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halloween pumpkin dark money

Which Costs More and Scares You Less: Halloween or the 2022 Election?

Many Americans will spend October stoking fear and building tension, with no shortage of blood-curdling screams. Then there’s Halloween. Over a two-year period, more than $9 billion will be spent on Election 2022.

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Empty wallet

Schools, Students, Spending, and Debt Forgiveness

So the latest in a long series of disastrous moves by the Biden Administration involves forgiving student debt—another attempt to buy votes with public money via gross fiscal mismanagement.

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FL Gov Ron DeSantis

Democrats’ Worst Nightmare: DeSantis Isn’t Just Destroying Them With Policy And Polling

Four years ago, Democrats and their media thought they were sitting pretty. They had millions of Americans treating their absurd Russia Hoax as legitimate, and they were on their way to retaking control of Congress.

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Fake Republican Neil Wetherbee is a Democrat

Almost 90% of Neil Wetherbee’s Campaign “Donations” Came from Jim Morgan (And Jim’s Husband)

Fake Republican Neil Wetherbee’s “man of the Derry people” image has been burnished thoroughly by Mark Connors and Jim Morgan. But is that as big of a lie as Wetherbee being a Republican? Yes, yes, it is.

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Paging Senator Feltes

Paging Senator Feltes! Better Call Your Office!

Whoops! Senator Dan Feltes’ campaign has been running ads with blatant lies…. and NHPR caught him in the act! NHPR: Feltes Says He’s Not Taking ‘Corporate Contributions,’ But Records Show Otherwise Senator Dan Feltes, a gubernatorial hopeful, has been running ads railing against PAC and LLC donations. The trouble is, he’s been taking them himself … Read more

Ilhan Omar Has Now Paid Her White Devil Boyfriend’s Firm Over a Half Million Dollars

Homewrecker Ilhan Omar currently under scrutiny for various potential acts of fraud by the FBI continues to dump campaign cash into her white lover’s “consulting Firm.” The Democrat poured another 215,000 to his business in the third quarter of 2019.

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State Sen Chandley raised just $5 in district

State Sen. Chandley Raised Only $5 In District

Campaign Finance Reports! Yay! (Sarcasm, sort of.) There is usually a lot of material that comes out of campaign finance reports for State races, which we’ve written about before. Yesterday’s filings show that one NH Senator, Shannon Chandley, raised only $5 in district. Five bucks. Related: SoS Website – Search Filed Reports That doesn’t include … Read more

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