NH House Candidate Tim McGough (Merrimack) Has Been Brought to Our Attention. There Are Problems and Issues... - Granite Grok

NH House Candidate Tim McGough (Merrimack) Has Been Brought to Our Attention. There Are Problems and Issues…

Tim McGough Campaign website

I have had a few tipsters contact me about Mr. Tim McGough in the recent past. There are a bunch of inconsistencies and questions that are starting to bubble up, and no answers that explain them.

So, I started where I should – as with Brodie Deshaies’ Common Sense PAC, I started at the NH Secretary of State Elections department to pull his mandatory election filing reports.  Hmm, what did I see?  Much less than I should have:

Friends of Tim McGough filings SecState Campaign Finance System 1

Er, ONLY through August?  Aren’t you missing something there, dude?  Especially when I reviewed the reports themselves:

June (hover over the page and the navigation bar will appear):

Tim McGough 2022-06-22 FileDisclosureReport

August (hover over the page and the navigation bar will appear):

Tim McGough 2022-08-24 FileDisclosureReport


OK, two things really bothered me (as well as others):

  • Total Revenues:  $200 + $50 (respectively) =    $250.00
  • Total Expenditures: $2,556.17  $6,511.55     = $9,067.72

I have been told that his campaign materials are ALL OVER the place – so how much higher are those expenditures than has currently been reported.

So, I called the Secretary of State’s office, but that will be the subject of another post.


