Tsk, Tsk, Tim McGough: Too Late, Not Enough - Granite Grok

Tsk, Tsk, Tim McGough: Too Late, Not Enough

Tim McGough Campaign website

Apparently, my earlier post on Tom McGough was enough of a push for him to start filing financial reports that should have been done a while ago.  Now, its “better” in that more reports are there (guess that word got out we were looking). But like the last time, there are issues.  Lots of i$$ues that raise even more questions. So, for the reports:

Tom McGough filed Revenue Receipts reports

(click to embiggen)

But look at the aggregate summary revenues and expenditures: has he really found what many of us have looked for years to find?  A Money Tree? And a lot of those “leaves” (given it’s now Fall) have left that tree:

Tom McGough 2022-10-19 Summary Recipets Expenditures

Campaign to Date:

  • Total Revenues:            $5,750.00
  • Total Expenditures:   $20,903.67

So, just like last time – where’s the money coming from?

Here’s the entire report:

Tim McGough 2022-10-19 File Disclosure Report

And yes, there’s more….
