Will Lily Get 50% of the GOP Money?

Julie Smith

Let’s talk about GOP money for federal office campaigns.  2024 is not a senatorial year, so that simplifies the discussion. There are two seats in the House, each representing 50% of Granite Staters.  One would think that the pie is divided evenly, and the two pieces would go to Lily Tang Williams and Councilor Russell Prescott, both being winners of their primaries.  Not so fast!

It’s not all about money, either, but favors and special treatment.  I will stay out of that rabbit hole for now, but leave you with one 2020 memory to consider.  The Damn Emperor did some October commercials in which he said (in my own words), “I want to be reelected, but I’m here with my friend, (Corky, Mowers, but NOT Steve Negron), and I want you to vote for him.”  I later talked with Steve about that, but let’s get back to the money.

I was introduced to Chris Ager outside the Merrimack church on 4/13/21 while holding a sign for Bill Boyd, who became a total disappointment, but the encounter with Chris did NOT go well.  In addition to various other topics, one of them was about campaign money.  He essentially called Steve Negron unworthy of GOP money and stood by upper management’s decision to give what should have been his share to Mowers. I won’t get into all the carpetbaggery of the Mowers campaign(s), but here on MY ballot, Lily Tang Williams is up against a very privileged carpetbagger with an unlimited credit line in addition to her current balance.

I won’t get into my disdain for Prescott either, but it should be known that he was the little darling selected in that district.  All the hard work of Hollie and the good record of Alderman Joe Kelly Levasseur was no match for being the establishment elite’s pick. Just look at some of his endorsements. There are lots of people like Jeb on that list. Readers are smart enough to know that preferential treatment and favors are tied to who gets how much money from the GOP.  To extrapolate down-ballot, look at the state senate District 23 primary and its donors.

Lily Tang Williams worked hard to earn her victory in the old-fashioned way.  It’s all on record in her recorded speeches, interviews, stumping events, and her non-political activities since the last campaign cycle.  Have a conversation with her if you want more details.  My point is that she EARNED that GOP money, whatever amount is available.  And she has earned the support of many people who can’t vote for her: reps, senators, and private citizens alike.  

Tell your “committee people” in the NHGOP, including upper management, that you demand she receive her fair share. Be like Bernie, but only just this once.

I will finish with a disclaimer that my words are my own, and I am not a spokesperson for any candidate or campaign.


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