Almost 90% of Neil Wetherbee’s Campaign “Donations” Came from Jim Morgan (And Jim’s Husband)

Fake Republican Neil Wetherbee’s “man of the Derry people” image has been burnished thoroughly by Mark Connors and Jim Morgan. But is that as big of a lie as Wetherbee being a Republican? Yes, yes, it is.

Wetherbee’s September 30 campaign finance report is a very short read. There’s almost nothing to see. There are three itemized receipts, two of which are for independent expenditures. The total of all receipts is $2172.50.

1,922.50 of that, or 88.49%, comes from in-kind donations by Jim Morgan ($1000.00) and Jim’s Husband, Paul Freitas – who is also Wetherbee’s campaign treasure. His fiscal agent.

Nearly 90% of the money available for primary campaign expenses comes from two people, who are married, and one of those works for the campaign.

Related: December 2, 2019, a Date Which Will Live In Infamy: Neil Wetherbee Endorses a Democrat

To be fair, this is only the Sept, 30 report and odds are Jim will have rounded up a few more donors for Neil in the meantime. But I can see why a local activist group filed a complaint.


In the complaint, Rep. Peter Torosian, R-Atkinson, alleges Wetherbee’s campaign has engaged in illegal collusion with James Morgan, who is chairman of Derry Conservative Taxpayers.

The Derry taxpayers group registered as a committee to support both Wetherbee and Cardon and to oppose Nelson, but it has yet to report any activity.

Wetherbee’s fiscal agent was Paul Freitas. In his complaint, Torosian said Freitas and Morgan are married.


Morgan says it’s all above board, and maybe it is. I’m not here to suggest otherwise regarding campaign finance law. I’m here to point out how little support Neil has had from anyone as of this filing and how almost all of it is from one person, and that’s not Neil or his Democrat wife (who can’t even bring herself to vote for him since he’s running as a fake republican).

It also clarifies the claim that all of Neil’s “campaign money” is from Derry, NH. It is. It’s almost all yours, Jim. Any reason why you left that part out?


Neil Wetherbee Campaign Finance 9-30 primary report


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