If you March Behind a Terrorist Banner aren’t you a Terrorist?

Have you ever noticed how every time Trump says or does anything the left takes the opposite position, no matter what? When the president reported encouraging results from the long proven-safe malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine, the left immediately demanded testing and prohibited doctors from prescribing it for the flu.

Related: “…Hydroxychloroquine Helps COVID19 Patients Survive”

Since then, every reputable study has proven, as advertised, the drug cuts death rates generally in half.

Dr. Harvey Risch from Yale stated, “Hydroxychloroquine could save 100,000 lives.” No retractions or apologies from the left and God forbid giving the president credit for being right, but what’s new here? (I don’t know anyone who has or had the flu nor anyone who knows anyone who does. Just me, do you?) Besides stats show less the 1 percent of confirmed cases result in death in the U.S. Still a large number wonder but what if we had aggressively treated cases with Hydroxychloroquine instead of playing political games?

As usual, the leftist media and political leaders put their parochial interests ahead of the welfare and needs of the people.

Related to that last thought, after decades of Democrat control in many cities, black/minority communities still suffer higher rates of drug, crime, unemployment, addiction, poor schools, housing, and government services.

It’s a fact — even after all the promises from the left decade after decade. The left has found the solution though OCBLM: riot, loot, burn mostly only minority businesses and communities. That’s sure to help, and the OC stands for “only certain.” as in violent black criminals resisting arrest.

No, not helpful; in fact, it’s several steps back into lawless anarchy, promoted by MSM and politicians with a grievance. Under any definition, terrorism and crime are illegal, immoral, and self-defeating. Those who excuse it, or exploit it are equally guilty of the crimes committed, whether citizen or elected official, just like the getaway driver. Oh, and a thought, if someone marches under a Nazi flag is it unreasonable to suggest that person is a Nazi? Thus if someone marches behind the terrorist BLM banner are they, not a terrorist also? You can’t have it both ways, folks.

Solutions? Simple, arrest, and imprison criminals and terrorists, and vote-out proven-failure leftist politicians. Not doing so guarantees more of the same in a never-ending downward spiral. You have the ultimate power voters, do you have the good sense to do the intelligent thing? Vote out Democrats, they march in lockstep, all voting party over people.


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