Pro-life activists were recently arrested in Washington DC for writing “Black Pre-Born Lives Matter” in chalk on the public sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood.
Related: Planned Parenthood is Hiring Teens to Promote Sex and Abortion in NH
This happened after Black Lives Matter activists painted “Defund the Police” on a Washington DC street. There was no punishment for that act of graffiti.
The fact that two of our students were arrested for chalking pro-life messages in Washington D.C. shows that government officials are practicing viewpoint discrimination and blocking our free speech rights.
We’ll see you in court.
— Students for Life of America | Pro-Life Gen (@StudentsforLife) August 3, 2020
A few years ago, the ACLU of New Hampshire came to the defense of sidewalk chalkers in Keene. The ACLU-NH wrote to the Mayor of Keene and the Keene City Council, asking them not to ban sidewalk chalking in their city:
it is worth noting that public sidewalks and streets, as the New Hampshire Supreme Court has explained, are “fundamental to the continuing vitality of our democracy, for ‘time out of mind, [they] have been used for purposes of assembly, communicating thoughts between citizens, and discussing public questions.’
“[a]s a general matter, we have indicated that in public debate our own citizens must tolerate insulting, and even outrageous, speech in order to provide adequate breathing space to the freedoms protected by the First Amendment.”
With the ACLU-NH’s support of abortion as a civil right and their support of the unconstitutional buffer zone law, which allows no-free-speech zones around abortion facilities in NH, would the ACLU-NH defend the right to chalk a pro-life message on the public sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood in Manchester?
259,366 black Americans are killed by abortion each year. That is 711 per day. With Black Lives Matter in the news every day, this carnage is tragically and infuriatingly being overlooked.
Thank God for Kanye West, with his 30 million followers, for tweeting the truth about the staggering numbers of black lives lost in abortions.