Two New Choices, One Fateful Decision in November

Today’s voters usually think of our elections as political contests between liberal and conservative visions of America, often contentious, but always consistent with American values. In recent years, as our political rhetoric became more heated and the rancor more bitter, politicians and pundits started labeling every election as “the most important in history” – a … Read more


The Birth of a Nation (and the death of another): “Juneteenth National Independence Day”

Check out the above picture of the celebration when the bill establishing this “Juneteenth National Independence Day” passed the House. “White savior” Nancy in the middle. While I know that the folks on the left were not actually engaging in Nazi salutes,

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Dear UK: Please Keep Your Wankers Over There

“We don’t devote enough scientific research to finding a cure for jerks.”  Bill Watterson 

“You know what you can do, Piers Morgan”

Piers Morgan does not like guns. That is okay with me. A great many people in this country do not like guns.  Some people from here are particularly noisy about not liking guns. I suppose that is okay as well.  What I take issue with are those instances where foreigners step upon our soil, and wag their finger at us, telling how we should not have guns. Piers Stefan O’Meara…Morgan is just one such scroat.

When a foreigner says, “you should

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Bob Costas: The Sportscast World’s Own Personal Douchebag

“Let’s have a toast for the douchebags, Let’s have a toast for the a**holes, Let’s have a toast for the scumbags, Every one of them that I know.” —Kanye West DID YOU KNOW…Bob Costas hires his own personal armed security? In the world of man-make-up, bad hairpieces and dudes who get facials, manicures and other, less … Read more


 “Congress seems to want to cure every ill known to man except unconstitutional government and high taxes.” ~Charley Reese


 BillofRightsVOid.jpgFriday, August 19, The Federal Election Commission released two draft advisory opinions indicating that it might allow a naturalized, Guyana-born American citizen to file papers and raise funds for run a Presidential run in 2012.

New York City lawyer Abdul Hassan, under this ruling, could conceivably be permitted to go through the initial steps to run for president. Hassan was born in the South American country of Guyana in 1974, and asked the FEC in July whether he could legally raise funds for his presidential candidacy.

Faced with the possibility of deciding a substantial question of a constitutional nature, one would think the FEC would simply tell him to, “get lost” and petition the judicial branch for such a substantial pivotal answer. Do you think they did that? No. . The hacks at FEC readily and willingly stepped up and responded, “although the Commission can respond to the questions asked in [his] advisory opinion, the Commission cannot make any determination as to whether [Hassan] can, as a naturalized citizen, serve as President.”

FEC told Hassan in a July 18 e-mail response that he could be a candidate, may solicit funds and would be required to file disclosure reports. But opinions differ on whether he may receive federal matching funds.  In the FEC’s first draft opinion, they advise Hassan that he would not be able to receive matching funds citing the constitutional provision. Yet, in the second draft opinion, they dodge the question entirely, characterizing it as a, “hypothetical question.”

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Stop START then re-START

ICBMNew Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen chews up a large chunk of the Sunday Union Leader’s opinion page to sell us on president Obama’s START treaty with Russia.  Most of the words revolve around suggesting this will enhance security, that it is a good deal for America, and that there are a busload of experts, past and current military, former Secretaries of State, ex-presidents and sundry others who agree that this Treaty should be ratified.  But  a few things stand between taking this at face value and moving forward on her recommendation.

First, Mr. Obama, a man who has excelled at degrading his own country, and minimizing its global influence, wants it real bad.  Not a good sign.

Second, look at the context.  What would we say if this was George Bush, wasting political energy and government time and resources, to advance something like this when we should have all our attention on the failure of the debt commission to agree to its own recommendations?  Should we not still have all eyes and all hands dealing with a looming tax increase that could send the economy into a bigger tailspin just a few weeks from now?  What about the deficit? Where is the laser like focus? Why not job growth polices–other than using the extension of unemployment benefits for class warfare against opponents who just want it paid for from some dark corner of Obama’s multi-trillion dollar budget or one of his many slush funds.  Why START now?

Third, and this ties into the first, START is to strategic nuclear security what Obamacare was to Health care.  Its pursuit appears almost Pyrrhic, as if the victory must come regardless of the cost.  So this is not a strategic defense effort, it is just another feather in Obama’s agenda cap.  And with the brakes now being applied to his agenda come January 3rd, he is more obsessed with the Obama of history than the one responsible for national, and based on how they are selling it, Global security.

But like everything else that comes out of the administration or the drooling mouths of the party lap-dogs assigned to promote it, this is predicated on their standard template.  "We can’t just do nothing" and "Things could be worse."

If we search the landscape of the Obama Presidency however, neither of these ideas is compelling.  If we actually look at what Obama is willing to pass off as ‘doing something,’ it looks as if he has just bowed to another foreign leader, only this time over a nuclear weapons treaty.

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Is Carol Shea-Porter anti-millitary?

Carol Seiu-Porter’s energy policy agenda actually costs the US military billions of dollars more per year in increased fuel and energy costs. Stephen Hayward at the Weekly Standard estimated that every $10/barrel added to the price of oil costs the defense department (and you) one billion dollars more per year.

Public Service Is About Trust

I’d just assume have a root canal without pain killer as suffer through an editorial by Carol Shea-Porter, but sometimes you have to take one for the team. So I have immersed myself in the last rights editorial of the soon to be former congresswoman from New Hampshire’s first district, which is ironically titled, ‘Public Service is about trust.’


Before I proceed let me offer up a comment on Carol’s notion of trust.  In traditional progressive fashion the meaning of trust has had to have been tortured before admitting under duress and threat of death to its friends and family members, that Carol’s application of it’s meaning holds any relevance at all to the historical application.  In fact Carol’s willingness to even use the word in this context, nay–any context at all–in reference to what she refers to as her public service, is a public disservice to the word, the language, the people of the first district, and serves to cement the likelihood that she is the disconnected, ruling class political shill we suspect her to be, if not also clinically insane.

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The Sweet “Extreme 16”

Mary Jane Wellner and Marjorie Smith, who head the Committee to elect House Democrats, (and we must assume Ray Buckley) have themselves a new web page.  It’s called the Extreme 16.  It’s some lame left wing fund-raising gimmick that pits 16 Republican House candidates against each other and asks (presumably, Democrat) visitors to vote to decide … Read more

Fiskal Konservative

…a diarist from the Daily KoS, expects you to believe that he is actually been undercover, hiding so far up under the left wing, that he would be permitted to keep and maintain a diary at the Daily KoS.

To The Editor…

Carol Shea-Porter has abrogated her constitutional responsibilities, done everything in her power to destroy New Hampshire’s right to State sovereignty, refused to fulfill her duty to propose a new federal budget for political reasons, accepted money from admitted socialists in the government, increased the federal deficit to 3.5 trillion dollars, added tens of trillions more … Read more

Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on US

Michael Totten at PJM points us to an article by Barry Rubin at Global Research in International Affairs in which Rubin alerts us that the newly elected leader of the Muslim Brotherhood has just endorsed a full blown Anti-American Jihad. Rubin explains the serious business that this is, with all the relevant consideration, but sums … Read more

One Nation – Sick Lying Bastards

So the lying liberal progressive dirt bags who want to turn America into a socialist state are the same lying dirt bags who post pictures like this to give the impression that anyone actually gives a damn about their stupid cause.

Left’s Got Nothing, So Let’s Take Out The Trash

Put this Congress Where It BelongsComparing 8/28 to 10/2 is a bit silly.  One was not meant to be political, the latter was entirely so.  8/28 inspired hundreds of thousands to share rides and come together in honor, One-Nation’s unions and CP activists paid for the buses that delivered their paltry numbers.  8/28 was a kind and caring event about thanks and personal reflection, 10/2 was a crowd of selfish, angry windbags looking to protect their free ride on the backs of the taxpayers, and to expand the totalitarian power of a huge central government. 

Not too many people seemed to want that.

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Jan Schakowski 2.0

Following on the heels of Skip’s post about Jan Schakowsky, we should ad this additional bit of truth telling.  Schakowsky is one of Carol Seiu-Porters supporters, one of more than a dozen congressman who are also listed as American Socialists.  Together they have donated at least $36,000.00 dollars to Carol Seiu-Porter this year alone. They … Read more

Mourning In America

H/T Hot Air

Will You Kneel Before The Government?

Kneel Before Zod!I was watching the online web cast of Hillsdale College’s commemoration of the Kirby Center (on Constitution Day) in Washington DC, and Dr. Charles Kessler of Claremont McKenna College.  Dr. Kessler is a constitutional scholar and early on in his speech he makes the following observation about the current clash between the government and the people, and the rise of the Tea Party

‘Either the government will have to kneel to the people….or the people will have to kneel to the government.’

We should think about that because Dr. Kessler is correct.



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Stark Differences

  (H/T Moe Lane RedState)

What About Bob?

What About Bob?Congressional Candidate Bob Bestani is what you might call a well-connected ruling class insider.  He has spent years as part of the evil international banking community and he is proud of his work for the Asian Development Bank (ADB).  According to his Campaign site Bio

Until May of 2008, Bob served as the Director General of Private Sector Finance at the Asian Development Bank, a multilateral bank dedicated to alleviating poverty in Asia. In the six years in which he served in that capacity, ADB’s private sector financings and earnings grew by over 40 times their 2001 levels, while portfolio quality and earnings steadily improved. Working closely with most of the countries of Asia, the Private Sector Department grew from the smallest of ADB’s departments to the largest and most successful operating unit of the ADB. In March of 2008 the Bank’s Board adopted private sector financings as the leading priority of the ADB for the years ahead.

So what’s the big deal?  Bob worked at a major international bank that is dedicated to alleviating poverty?  Well it seems to me that if you are going to use alleviating poverty to advance your political credibility people deserve to know the potential downside of how that actually plays out in the real world.

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The Peoples Republic of Hodesistan

  In the People’s Republic of Hodesistan (PRH) unemployment always hovers around 9-10%.  That’s the new normal.  And it has to be.  No matter how many bail outs and prop ups and incentives Mr. Hodes conceives to redistribute your earnings, there is never enough of other peoples money.  As the tax dollar pool from which his … Read more

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