The Birth of a Nation (and the death of another): “Juneteenth National Independence Day”

by Skip

Check out the above picture of the celebration when the bill establishing this “Juneteenth National Independence Day” passed the House. “White savior” Nancy in the middle. While I know that the folks on the left were not actually engaging in Nazi salutes, can you imagine if Republican law makers were caught making such gestures (regardless of how innocent)? It is as if the new Black Fascist Party (led, ironically by a white woman), has just been granted their new charter, along with another national holiday to celebrate their existence….


There needs to be LOTS of discussion about why this new government-mandated national holiday has been named what it has been named.

We want to thank John Robertson III for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

Not just “Juneteenth.” Not “Juneteenth Liberation Day.” Not “Juneteenth Emancipation Day.” Not even “Juneteenth Universal Freedom Day,” or anything of the like. But specifically “Juneteenth National Independence Day.”

Why the choice of names? I can only think of one reason — to position itself in contradisinction from and in opposition with that other “Independence Day” that happens just two weeks later (with the name implying that the “true” national “independence day” is actually the one in June, with that pretend holiday in July being a holiday for just some Americans, specifically the oppressive hateful crowd of people who insist on celebrating our oppressive colonialist roots…). It seems beyond question that this choice of names is quite deliberate, to draw focus away from the birth of our country, away from patriotism, and away from national pride, to refocus it instead on shame, contention, and racial strife, and on the cause of black supremacy.

As a practical matter, will employers want to give their employees both of these “independence days” off as chances to celebrate a unified national identity? Not likely — this will force them to choose between competing “independence days” (and indeed competing national identities). The woke people will celebrate one, while the conservatives will want to celebrate the other; a seismic shift exacerbating the chasm that divides us.

If an employer is seen as slighting the new privileged classes by not adequately honoring “Juneteenth National Independence Day,” will the uppity supremacist classes extract their revenge (as is their history), counting on conservatives to remain well-behaved (as is their habit)? I have no doubt that merchants, news media, sports franchises, advertising agencies — out of the need for self-preservation — will all line up behind the “National Independence Day” in June, wrenching away from us our most foundational national remembrance day, fundamentally rewriting our cultural heritage, depriving us of our cherished traditions.

How long until celebrating the “wrong” independence day will be considered “hateful,” and draw social sanctions? No culture can survive without traditions and remembrances; does the passage of this act yesterday mark – in both symbol and practice – the end of the “American era?”

I see the conquerors’ banners (rainbow flags, black fist flags, etc.) hoisted in gloating victory over many of our public buildings. I see anti-American propaganda being taught not only in our schools, but in a host of institutions public and private, and even directly to our active military as compulsory training. I see our children being subjected to perpetual “racial shaming” in the name of CRT. I see national sovereignty (and national borders) abandoned as being obsolete, “hateful,” and “on the wrong side of history.” It is often observed that “history is written by the victors”; the new histories being taught to our children clearly show who these new victors are.

What has happened to our country? How did we allow it to fall? How did we allow the enemies of our culture, enemies of our history, enemies of freedom, enemies of even something as foundational as equality under the law, to gain a victory over us, without us even having a chance to voice opposition to our unconditional surrender?

It all makes my stomach hurt.





  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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