The last time I checked, the uniparty, led by the political left, wasn’t all that keen on separatists, secessionists, and anarchists, but as the saying goes, never let a “crisis” go to waste.
Second Amendment Happy Ending – He Refused To Be Victim. One Of Them Paid The Price
I do love these kinds of stories when those that decide they are entitled to other peoples’ stuff end up learning a lesson. The hard way. Emphasis mine, reformatted: An armed citizen targeted by carjackers at a Dallas gas station on Wednesday was able to draw his gun and defend himself, killing one of his … Read more
Another Anti-Capitalist Communitarian Cafe Goes Out of Business
If you didn’t know, I have extensive experience with how razor-thin the margins are in the restaurant business. While the closure of this communitarian cafe is unfortunate, it serves as a reminder of the business risks involved in running a café.
NYC Anarchist Unhappy with Trump’s Designation of NYC as Anarchist Jurisdiction
The President labeled NYC an Anarchist Jurisdiction. Thom Kennon, an adjunct NYU professor, and anarchist does not care for Trump’s terminology. He says, “anarchists don’t do jurisdictions, we do what’s called prefigurative politics, building new, more equitable worlds now.”
As if the Seattle “CHAZ” autonomous zone was such a rousing success??
Here they go again! Elected Representatives on the Minneapolis City Council are already yammering that with their “Defund the Police” initiative, crime is rising. Now, they’re allowing what Seattle allowed – protesting anarchist and BLM activists setting up their own version of Seattle’s lawless “country within a city”. The idea of having the various States … Read more
Still the Land of the Free? Maybe Not.
Before coronavirus and widespread rioting filled the headlines, there was the controversy over undocumented immigration and sanctuary cities. Advocates of open borders were using the Statue of Liberty and the words inscribed in her base to defend their argument.
What Self Defense Looks Like In 2020

The media endlessly whined about the protesters having guns pointed at them. The Media claims the protesters were merely, “walking by,” the McCloskey property. Mark and Patricia exited their home, armed and demanded the protesters leave the property. The protesters had broken a gate and entered private property, despite warning signs against Trespass. The “Peaceful,” protesters then swore at the McCloskey’s, and threatened them. Peaceful protesters my ass.
The Democrats Are Accomplices to Chaos
It may be interesting to hear rational Democrats try to explain away the insane demands of their radical counterparts, but we really don’t need clarification. When those radicals call for defunding and abolishing the police, they mean exactly what they say.
“Ours to Preserve”
They are trying their best to start a fight. We have Mayors, Governors, Senators, and House Members bowing their knees to these Criminals. I won’t. Unlawfully destroying PUBLIC PROPERTY is a felony! Targeting our Founders’, and particularly Military heroes’ monuments, is more than a dare.
Antifa Calls Black Speaker at “Ending Racism” Event a White Supremacist
Daryl Davis is an African American and a “race relations expert who has spent years speaking to and rehabilitating members of groups like the KKK.” Antifa called him a white supremacist.
Trump Republican Victory Strategy – Play Unedited Clips of Democrats Talking
Whenever anyone suggests editing, deleting, or blocking Leftist commenters, I stand up for them. No one advocates for liberty and free markets like an unhinged mouthy Leftist. And it appears the RNC agrees. Their latest Ad takes Democrats at their word or lack of them.
If the Government Becomes a Lawbreaker
In 1928 Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, wrote in, Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438, “Decency, security and liberty alike demand that government officials shall be subjected to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen. In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled if it … Read more
Manchester Ward 2 School Board Member David Scannell Broke the Law – is a Double Standard Developing?
The “I didn’t know” defense? “There isn’t a member of this board that does not know that when a legal action is threatened against the board it is a confidential matter,” said Girard. “And the leaking of that letter divulged the very information I was accused of divulging.” A motion to have school district attorneys investigate … Read more