Second Amendment Happy Ending – He Refused To Be Victim. One Of Them Paid The Price

by Skip

I do love these kinds of stories when those that decide they are entitled to other peoples’ stuff end up learning a lesson. The hard way.

Emphasis mine, reformatted:

An armed citizen targeted by carjackers at a Dallas gas station on Wednesday was able to draw his gun and defend himself, killing one of his assailants and wounding another before they fled the scene.

Authorities say three suspects were involved in the carjacking attempt, with one individual apparently remaining behind the wheel of the car they arrived in while the other two went after what they thought was an easy target. Instead, they ran into someone who refused to be a victim.

“I’d seen a youngster grab another youngster and put him in the car. But his feet was still hanging out. They drove off and tried to make a turn but the door was still open,” said William Hughes, who was standing nearby when the shooting happened.

The suspects sped from the scene. The group drove to Methodist Charlton Hospital, where investigators said one of the suspects died from his injuries. Police said the other suspects sustained non-life threatening injuries and are currently in custody.

Some people who live in the area said neither the attempted carjacking nor the shooting is surprising.

“Oh man, there’s always problems in this area,” Anthony Walker said. “I mean, the violence is always. Just last night, you had the helicopters flying around looking for people, you know.”

Which may be a big reason why the armed citizen had their gun on them Wednesday.

Unfortunately, the electorate in many places keep putting in elected “leaders” that both condone the crime and put policies into place that encourage and reward such behaviors.  Then they decry “gun violence crime” as if the inanimate objects actually motivate themselves to wound or kill others, assigning blame to innocent gun owners for the stupidity of the guilty.

As the Government can no longer keep people safe, the people will make themselves safe. Those same leaders then decry “Vigilantism!” even as they know they are the cause. Isn’t that the case they they have fostered Tyranny-by-other-means?  No, not just the jack-booted picture we have in our heads but isn’t fostering Anarchy a form of tyranny?

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