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Twitter Trolls, Hackers, and Snowflakes, Oh My!

Last week was exciting. Someone created a Twitter account to point out how pathetic ‘Grok’s Twitter engagement was. We were in jail for a year so it’s not great. Theirs was worse, which I pointed out, but they insisted on claiming that GraniteGrok had no reach so I shared this and ruined their day.

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Being perfectly Capitalist here, we’re asking for help from our readers

Scroll down for newer posts. I’ve been AWOL lately from writing in trying to get some “behind the scenes” stuff done – apologies.  I have another bleg (an “ask”) of you, our loyal readers and it is pure Capitalistic, kinda. Well, two of them sorta aren’t and one, voluntarily, is…

Grok Voice of New England

Granite Grok Passes the Concord Monitor in Alexa Online Rankings

The last time we formally compared our Alexa Online ranking to other digital footprints in New Hampshire GraniteGrok was sixth on our list. That was last September, right after we launched Grok 3.0. Since then we’ve been caught up in the process of getting all the backend (and some front end) details squared away. I wasn’t really … Read more

Alexa traffic Rank extension

Help Us Grow our Alexa Rank

We use Alexa to measure our traffic rankings and to compare them to other sites around New Hampshire. But not everyone who visits us is getting counted. We are not all using the Alexa extension in our browsers. If you’d like to help us improve our Alexa ranking a great way to do that is … Read more

Where We Stand In NH Digital Media Right Now

While Creepy touchy Uncle Joe Biden considers a run at a job where you might get to nominate Supreme Court Justices (maybe he’ll send a letter asking Dianne Feinstein to be his VP) GraniteGrok has been steadily climbing the internet digital-print-media ladder in New Hampshire.

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We’re Creeping Up on the Conway Daily Sun…

Alexa RankingWith August showing so much improvement in traffic it seemed like a good time to update our Alexa rankings and announce some changes. I’ve been including WMUR since the start but it occurs to me that a Television Channel website is not exactly a goal of ours. I’m not saying we couldn’t ever compete just that we can’t even try right now unless we start doing school closings or weather. That’s not happening so I’ve plucked them off our site list.

Who can we add that does compete? No one yet but I’m looking and perhaps you can help.

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Ranking Numbers Improve But Position Remains the Same

If I may take a moment of your time for a quick update. In the past month, GraniteGrok’s Alexa numbers have improved. Our National numbers are better, and our global numbers took a healthy leap in the right direction. But we did not advance in our list of statewide internet media portals.

Of the fourteen sites we are tracking only one moved, and it was in backward.

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Granite Grok Passes the Keene Sentinel – Time to Go After The Conway Daily Sun

Traffic Stats In our ongoing quest to build our reach and ranking as a top-five New Media presence in New Hampshire, I’m proud to announce that Alexa shows us climbing past the Keene Sentinel to the number seven spot in our watchlist.

This is great news because seeing increased traffic in the heat of summer is an excellent indicator of what we can expect come fall and winter.

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As Grok Prepares To Take it to the Next Level It’s Time to See Where We Rank With Alexa

alexa traffic rankBefore we were hacked in April GraniteGrok climbed up the Alexa Rankings (for Online news or media sites in New Hampshire) to do battle with the top 5. The redirect did some damage to that, and we almost dropped out of the top ten.

That was not great, and we’ve written about the redirects that plagued readers, but some good has come out of it. We amped up the fundraising and our new Web site, which Skip lovingly refers to as Grok 3.0, is under construction. The new security is a lot better and we’ve got some very serious plans for this platform that will, yes literally, take us to the next level.

So what level are we on now? I asked Alexa’s ranking where we stood in the New Hampshire Political/News interwebs and here’s what I learned.

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Shawn Millerick: kettle, black

Jethro BodineYou know, I ALMOST forgot about this line:

——– Original Message ——–
Subject:     Kuster??
Date:     Mon, 11 Feb 2013 18:39:47 -0500
From:     Shawn Millerick <>
To: <>

How is it the biggest opportunity to bash a Democrat/Liberal comes along and you guys have stories about snow storms on your site? Kuster dodging taxes is not big enough to cover?? You guys are lame. Keep going after everyone else. I suspect I was the only person who read your site today so you should thank me.

Shawn P Millerick

Now, we make no bones about it – we are a state level blog in one of the Union’s smallest States staffed by a small group of part-timers; we know where we stand in the greater blogosphere.  While we do have several award winning bloggers and while our traffic is mild compared to some, we’re ok with our size and are grateful to every reader that comes to the ‘Grok, even if it is just one.  But this had me scratching my head – NH Journal puts itself up as THE place to go here in NH for this kind of stuff, and has full timers (or did – I only go over there maybe a couple times a year at best) and with Hynsie’s former blogger cred for link love, I figured that their traffic would give credence to Millerick’s sneering.  Instead, we’ve caught another acting like Fergus “The Fringe” Cullen.

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