ACLU Lawyer Wants to Suppress Free Speech

On November 7, Abigail Shrier wrote about how activists are trying to cancel her book “Irreversible Damage.” Shrier’s book is about how girls in large numbers, suffering what has been called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD), are becoming victims of social pressure to identify as boys and many are permanently damaging their bodies with testosterone and double mastectomies.

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The ACLU’s Remedy for Wuhan-Virus – Empty the Prisons!

No. Really. I’m not kidding. What about the public’s safety? Well, you are deluding yourself if you think the ACLU cares about the public’s safety. And you are hopelessly naive if you think that the ACLU is being ingenuous. The ACLU wants to do away with prisons. They see Wuhan-Virus as a tool in that … Read more

No Holiday is sacred for the Left

by Skip

It’s the holidays with Thanksgiving up first.  Now, I don’t know about you but for me and my family, it is a time of reflection on all that God has bestowed upon – and being thankful for all those blessings (even when they didn’t “feel” like blessings at the time), for our friends, and for … Read more

ACLU Sues New Hampshire on Behalf Of Out-of-State Voters

Essentially admitting Democrats would have trouble winning statewide elections without thousands of out-of-state college students, the NH-ACLU has found two foolish Dartmouth students to be litigants in a suit to end the practice of NH voters having to choose NH as their lawful domicile.

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The ACLU Defends the NRA from Gov. Andrew Cuomo

The State of New York and Governor Andrew Cuomo are engaged in a campaign to encourage banks and insurance companies to divest themselves of any dealings with the National Rifle Association (NRA). Bereft of insurance or financial tools, it would become difficult if not impossible for the organization to operate.

The NRA has taken the State of New York to Court and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has written a brief in their defense on first amendment grounds.

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