ACLU-NH is Withering Away

Over the last year, the ACLU-NH has let go of three more staff members. Field Director, Emily Kilheeny, Political Director Jeanne Hruska, and Jordan Thompson, their Racial Justice Organizer.

ACLU-NH’s Double Standard on Freedom of Speech

Seven years ago, the ACLU-NH lobbied for the Buffer Zone law which allows New Hampshire abortion facilities to designate up to 25 feet of the public sidewalk and street outside their facilities as no-free-speech zones.

aclu roe v wade death penalty

ACLU Fights to Keep The “Death Penalty” for Babies

Yesterday, Jeanne Hruska, Political Director for the ACLU of New Hampshire, testified in opposition to New Hampshire Bill HB625, which would restrict abortions in the third trimester, when babies are viable and can live outside the womb.

ACLU Lawyer Wants to Suppress Free Speech

On November 7, Abigail Shrier wrote about how activists are trying to cancel her book “Irreversible Damage.” Shrier’s book is about how girls in large numbers, suffering what has been called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD), are becoming victims of social pressure to identify as boys and many are permanently damaging their bodies with testosterone … Read more


ACLU-NH Cuts Staff, Lets Website Domain Expire

According to their Twitter account, the ACLU-NH recently let go of two staff members, Palana Belken, Trans Justice Organizer, and Steven Kidder, Field Organizer. This morning, I went to the ACLU-NH website to see what other staffing changes they had made, when I discovered that their website domain had expired.

The ACLU’s Remedy for Wuhan-Virus – Empty the Prisons!

No. Really. I’m not kidding. What about the public’s safety? Well, you are deluding yourself if you think the ACLU cares about the public’s safety. And you are hopelessly naive if you think that the ACLU is being ingenuous. The ACLU wants to do away with prisons. They see Wuhan-Virus as a tool in that … Read more