ACLU Supports All-Woman Team Having Only Transgender Biological Males

In a broadcast recorded by the Montana Public Affairs Network, a member of the ACLU was asked a logical question. “Would you support a woman’s sports team that would have all transgender biological males as transgender women?”

Related: Tulsi Gabbard Steps Up to Protect Women’s Sports

ACLU: Can you say that question one more time. I really want to make sure that I understand what you are asking.

Legislator: Almost everyone is saying anecdotally that there is one or two of these instances, that they are super rare. I’d like to jump forward to where maybe they won’t be so super rare. So, would you agree, or would you support, an all-woman team having all transgender biological males?

ACLU: I will just say, and I apologize if this doesn’t answer your question. I don’t want to speculate but what I will say is that transgender women are women. Transgender girls are girls. And we are going to support bills that promote and protect their civil liberties and their civil rights.

Legislator: I’ll write that down as a yes.

Here is the 75-second exchange care of Twitter.


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The ACLU has taken a strong stance on the issue. In the interest of the civil rights of transwomen, it has been decided that the civil rights of actual women can be sacrificed.

No, the ACLU does not say that. They say that transowmen and transgirls are women and girls. But as advocates for the party of science, they also know that biological boys and men have significant athletic advantages over biological girls and women.

If allowed to persist without protections, and NH has a bill in play (HB198) that would prohibit a penis from playing sports as a vagina, the incentive for biological females to pursue athletics will wither and die.

Dead. Gone. Buried. Goodbye women’s sports for biological women.

Why invest all the time and energy when a boy of average ability, incapable of competing with his own sex, can rob you of success or a scholarship in a heartbeat?

You might as well stay home and bake cookies.

The ACLU and Democrats not only do not give a damn about this risk, but they are also fighting to make sure it happens and calling anyone who dares to question the idiocy of it all is a bigot.

As for HB198, the NH Bill,


The provisions of RSA 354-A:27 relating to opportunity for public education without discrimination of a civil right shall not apply to a biological male by birth participating in all-female high school and postsecondary sports recognizing the physiological differences between the biological sexes in athletics.  These differences limiting athletic teams to sex specific biological teams ensure that biological females have equal athletic opportunities.


Mississippi, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Kentucky also have similar bills on the docket.

The ACLU opposes the NH bill, and while our legislature may have the votes to move it (if I had to guess), our socially liberal “Republican” governor is unlikely to sign it. He’s responsible for the bill becoming law, advanced by a Democrat legislature that allows boys to compete as girls in the Granite State.

That does not mean we should not try.

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