OurWatchNow.com has video from a training class for teachers about sex education in Public schools. One parent, familiar with the content of the class said, “If I were to show that material to a child, I would be brought up on charges.”
Video footage purportedly shows the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) instructing teachers on progressive sexual education and gender theory in collaboration with California school districts and Planned Parenthood.
The ACLU attorney, Ruth Dawson, also explains to teachers how students can obtain abortions without their parents finding out.
I’m not sure Horace Mann or John Dewey had that in mind when they planted the poison seeds of publicly funded education, but well, they’re dead.
Dawson also instructed teachers on how to explain these students’ absences to parents, how to forbid parents from opting their children out of LGBTQ education classes and more.
The Daily Caller reports additionally that,
“They talk about mutual masturbation,” said Murrieta School District parent John Andrews. “They discuss gender roles, the gender spectrum, and in the support materials … they take it even further. They discuss everything, topics like roleplaying for different genders, blood play, dental dams … fisting is mentioned. I mean, they mention it all.”
Who needs literacy or basic math when teachers are helping you mastered those skills, right? There’s still plenty of “good paying jobs” in the Valley. Or, since lying to parents is key, a job as a public-school teacher is always an option.
Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are working fist and (fill in the blank) to ensure that these kids have the most comprehensive sexual indoctrination possible. Complete with the no opt-out clause, and make sure you don’t let the parents (or other taxpayers) know what we’re doing, which is why there’s an undercover video.
I expect that the California Justice system will immediately clamp down on Our Watch President Pastor Tim Thompson and seek an order to prevent the release of any new video.
That is how they do things in California.
| RedState