How Tone Deaf is Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig?

Tomorrow is June 14th – Flag Day.  The one day we set aside each year to honor and celebrate the symbol of our nation.  The very symbol people have fought and died for.  The symbol of freedom from tyranny and oppression. So, what does Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig do?  She hosts an official event at … Read more

Heroes matter. Guess who Progressives think are not – and who should be

This could also have been a BlogLine of the Day but requires a bit more thinking.  So, here’s my information backdrop US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan –  Asserts that the amount of deviant behavior in American society has increased beyond levels the community can afford to recognize and that society has been redefining deviancy to … Read more

Adam Roberts MiMi Malevolent

With Unprecedented Deference and Blind Trust

by Katherine Prudhomme O’Brien | Drag performers choose names the same way strippers or porno actors do-to highlight their sexuality. In MiMi Malevolent’s case, it is not a sexualized name but one that describes them as malevolent, which means evil. I like to avoid people who say they are evil and especially, keep children away … Read more

Stalin – #2 undermine America’s morality

Having written my post that explored Communist Joe Stalin’s words as a riff on Steve’s post, I just stared when I saw this over at Instapundit: Morality?  As the Progressives increasing decide that subject after subject, issue after issue, that there should be “No Stigma” – what traditional social mores are left that keep that … Read more

It’s what the Left does – normalize what used to be taboo to accept their even worse

Comparisons, comparisons.  First, go back and read this.  Remember, the media ‘fessed up to “normalizing” homosexuality. Now this:  Bernie Sanders Says Liberals Are Turning the “Radical” into the “Mainstream.” And now this:  Drag queen superheroes show — ‘Super Drags’ — coming to Netflix: ‘They’re going to save the world’ So, normalizing Socialism and Communism.  Now add to … Read more

Midweek Memes – Just the Memes Ma’am

A little Joe Friday homage on Wednesday to remind you that what you see is what you get. Memes. Memes. Just the memes, Ma’am. Just the memes (and these trite little openings because our WP theme requires something in the front end for you to look at)!

Pot, RTK and Our Feckless Senate

HB 1633 had its big day in the senate chamber and it was indeed a long one though Denise did not get to participate.  More on that in a moment, but let it be known that what I have to say is neither pro-pot nor anti-pot, it’s about the senate’s ruling class’s priorities.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

VT GOP – Call Me Crazy but….

Saturday afternoon at “the Aud” in Barre I attended the Republican Party of Vermont’s committee meeting. My reasons for attending were twofold, namely to get a sense of the party (I am a lifelong Independent) and listen for their pitch to me as a potential candidate for the Senate or House from my progressive stronghold … Read more

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well … Read more

Conway Public Library – Right To Know: Card Catalog

Yep. Another one. And I’ll keep rolling through them as well. So given the controversy at the Conway Public Library (no, not the Conway School District SAU9)  with (what I think) was an illegal shutting of a public facility because of a sexuality event that also served as discrimination against normal library patrons at the … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Fairly certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.

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How About Some More Netflixwashing of History

The entertainment industry is filled with Winston Smiths. Those tasked with – obsessed with – reimaging details to fit a BIPOC worldview in the name of social justice. A world where the color of the skin matters more than anything else.

Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition

Forewarned is forearmed.  Thus, this is intended to be a compilation of articles, with my commentary, to try and get like-minded people to grasp what’s coming.  Even merely being aware of events in the world will make you better prepared than the hordes of sheeple.  Note that these compilations are catch-as-catch can, and presented as … Read more