Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow - Granite Grok

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you, coming out late Saturday.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



While I agree with the blue curve, not sure the genders line up on this.





Do not every forget – they hate you, and at their core really do want to put you against the wall and shoot you.



Back in my teens I took a class with my dad at a place that taught home building the old fashioned way in the morning, and then in the afternoon we’d go out and apply what we learned to several houses actually under construction.  One of those houses was, specifically, designed without any electrical power hookups.  Back then, my father and I laughed and wondered how long the owners would last before they got an electrician in.  Now… I wish I had the land and the money to build such a house.  No electronics, not affected by power outages or EMP.

Debbie Georgatos | Sam Faddis – China is Deadly Serious–Are You Prepared? (

Remember our good and dear friend Klaus and his warning.




A complete trust in Big Brother.



Don’t forget the cricket or mealworm powder!  To wit – and watch out for this:



Don’t forget that Democrats voted AGAINST mandatory labeling about this.



Why, it’s almost as though TPTB want China to succeed, and The West to fail.














Apparently these appeared on the same day.





See the excellent book Supreme Court Gun Cases.





Say whaaaaaat?










Who the living F died and made this MFer dictator?

Fight digital ID.  Or you’re done.  Related:

Canadian municipality now requires a QR code (

Scan a QR code to leave your town.  And, per the mayor, it’s legal:

Despite concerns, Antonin Valiquette, the mayor of Îles-de-la-Madeleine, says that the QR code and driver’s license requirements are legal and that his biggest concern now is fighting “disinformation”.

“Combating disinformation among the citizens for whom the members of the municipal council and I work is what is important,” Valiquette said.






Nolte: Report Says 13 Banks Helped Feds Spy on Trump Supporters (







The Libs who would do this are safe.  No brains to eat.




My question is this: Who ordered the flags that they’re waving?





Be the guy looking up.





To everyone still in denial, schedule a booster and take choline supplements for a month beforehand.




Fear is the Mind Killer… – Granite Grok




Kermit, if you figure it out please let me know.





Or worse.



Not just that.  The system will never end itself voluntarily and will fight tooth and nail any attempt to fix it.



Rule 1: Never trust the government.

Rule 2: See Rule 1.





Not quite an apples to apples comparison, but good.







And yet, despite the above and many other things, people will vote for The Potato because Orange Man Bad.






Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


Biden’s New Title IX Rule Guarantees The End Of Parents’ Rights (

Title IX was intended to ensure women are treated fairly and have educational opportunities, not to pave the way for males claiming an alternative “gender identity” to access women’s scholarships and spaces. It also wasn’t supposed to be used to curtail protected speech by punishing students and teachers for using biologically false pronouns.

That’s right: When Biden’s Title IX rule takes effect on Aug. 1, using the “wrong” (e.g., biologically accurate) pronouns will be considered “sex-based harassment” and a federal civil rights violation worthy of investigation and discipline.

Under the new rule, if a middle school student feels that his teacher has not hidden his “gender fluid” identity sufficiently from his parents, the district could treat it as a Title IX violation. The school district’s Title IX coordinator would investigate to avoid facing a federal investigation or losing federal funding.

Uh oh.

Macron, in key speech, warns that Europe ‘is mortal’ – Insider Paper

Is this a warning, a prediction, or a goal?  Related, at least to me:

Bayou Renaissance Man: More about our fragile global Internet

Bayou Renaissance Man: About that critical infrastructure…

The US, indeed all of Western Civilization, is incredibly vulnerable.  But TPTB want to gaslight us:

A New Elitist Craze: Fixing the Public’s “Perception of the Economy” – Flopping Aces

Ignore This Birth Control ‘Misinfo’ Unless You Want To Be Happier (

There’s another effect of The Pill: it apparently alters women’s sense of smell and their mate-picking preferences (links in original):

In addition, before taking my classes, my female students were never told that the Pill scrambles the sensory messages that they subconsciously detect with their sense of smell: The hormones in the Pill make them more attracted to men with immune systems similar to their own. Those scrambled signals mean falling in love with a man while taking the Pill is risky. If the couple marries and tries to have children, the woman will have somewhat higher odds of repeated miscarriages and perhaps of having more-vulnerable offspring.

More on this:

Psychology and the Pill – TCU Magazine

In fact, one study shows that the pill may blunt women’s sense of smell, hampering their ability to sniff out men with markers of desirable genes.

“The idea that women might choose different partners when they are on the pill than when they are off it suggests that the pill may have rippling effects on the quality and dynamics of women’s long-term relations — maybe even the risk of divorce or infidelity,” Hill wrote.

Birth Control Pills Affect Women’s Taste in Men | Scientific American

America Isn’t The First Empire Doomed By Open Borders ( (link in the original):

And even then, most were barred from settling in the Italian heartland. As another writer, Annalisa Merelli pointed out, it was the Roman Empire’s saving of thousands and thousands (some say upward of 200,000) of Goth tribal refugees fleeing from the Huns in 376 that led to Rome’s sack less than a century later. After a variety of mutually broken promises between the two sides, the Goths turned on their Roman rescuers at the Battle of Adrianople in 378, a massacre of Romans that saw the deaths of more than 30,000 and would eventually lead to the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

While few would suggest that today’s immigrants have plans to militarily besiege America, it does not take a leap of the imagination to extend the analogy to our own times. Like Rome, we have lost our cultural confidence and moorings, which dramatically increases our risk of being overrun both literally and metaphorically by newcomers.

More on Rome’s error:

The Barbarians Who Sacked Rome Came Into the Empire as Refugees | Gates of Vienna



It Took Ten Years For Powerful People To See That Leftism Has Crossed A Red Line – Flopping Aces

Only when it affected them.

US Military is the Largest Investor in mRNA Synthetic Biology (

Now I find this very disturbing.

Japan Declares Emergency Over ‘Explosion of mRNA Cancers’ (



How Do Vaccines Cause Autism? – by A Midwestern Doctor

RTWT.  Book mark it.  Share it.

DEMOCIDE EPIDEMIC: The First Ever Peer-Reviewed Journal Study That Proves Excess Covid-19 Deaths in the United Kingdom Were Due to Midazolam (

Around the world, they murdered people to make the virus look scary… to justify the lockdowns and Jabs.

New Scientific Evidence That CO2 Emissions Can’t Warm Atmosphere Because it is “Saturated” Published in Peer-Reviewed Journal – The Daily Sceptic

I’ve read about this.  An analogy that I saw: Paint over a window with one layer of paint – some light will still come through.  Another layer, less, and so on.  But at some point, all light is blocked and added layers of paint do nothing.  But it’s convenient for tyrants:

Fascism: Joe Biden Considering Declaring a National Climate Emergency and Giving Himself “COVID-Like” Powers Without Congressional Approval (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

No More Special Counsels | City Journal (

Few innovations in American law enforcement have done more damage than “independent” prosecutors. Independent and special counsels have upended every presidential administration that has encountered them. They have never yielded benefits commensurate with their costs. They should be abolished.

From what I can see, they’re mostly used as weapons.

Lawless Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs Vetoes Bill to Require Proof of Residency for Voting | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson

IMHO there is NO innocent reason why someone would veto this; there can be only one motive: election fraud.  Other Dem governors too, from what I understand.  Related:

Victor Reacts: They Aren’t Hiding it Anymore, Biden Wants Mass Amnesty Before Election (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Victor Nieves

Why 2020 ‘Election Denialism’ Is Not Denialism at All – American Thinker

WATCH: “We Absolutely Have to Get President Biden Reelected” – Leftist Arizona AG Kris Mayes Says The Quiet Part Out Loud Before Announcing Grand Jury Indictment Against Trump 2020 Alternate Electors | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson

Judge Cannon Unseals Docs Alleging Jack Smith’s Lead Prosecutor Threatened Trump Valet Attorney and Tried to Bribe Him in Exchange For Client’s Testimony Against Trump | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

WAYNE ROOT: “We’re all GAZA Now.” Trump was Right. One Rigged & Stolen Election has Turned America into a Third World Craphole. | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor

When a Victory Becomes a Defeat: Biden and Bragg Are Making a Mistake, and It May Cost Them – Bigly – Flopping Aces


Progressive Democrat women have become suicidally evil and stupid – American Thinker

I recently posted about the 19th amendment and a possibility of arguing for repeal of the same.  This supports that case.




Every demographic leans R except unmarried women.  Perhaps modify the 19th so that only married women can vote?  Related:

5 Ways Feminism Has Ruined America (

What became of communism in Vietnam? – American Thinker

Zitelmann describes how Vietnam, the poorest country in the world in 1990, overcame poverty and became a prosperous country by abolishing the planned economy and introducing private property rights.  By examining the case of Poland, which was among the poorest countries in Europe in the 1980s but has since emerged as Europe’s growth champion for the past three decades, Zitelmann shows how capitalism makes people’s lives better.

Biden’s capital gains tax proposal could crush the economy, experts say | Fox News

Could?  WILL.  And that’s deliberate.


dostoevsky grand inquisitor


CA Fast Food Outlets Defy State’s New, Economy-Crushing Minimum Wage Law With Automation, Raising Prices – Flopping Aces

Biden’s new overtime rule another big blow to small businesses (

Ross On Unfunded Pensions: ‘There Are Trillions Of Dollars At Stake’ – One America News Network (



E I Feel Like Sarah Connor The Coming Financial Collapse


Biden DOJ Says Droning American Citizens Is Totally Fine Because Obama’s DOJ Said So – Flopping Aces

“So this is actually the way that the system should function. The Department of Justice takes criminal law very seriously,” Dreeben continued. “It runs it through the analysis very carefully with established principles. It documents them. It explains them. And then the president can go forward in accordance with it. And there is no risk of prosecution for that course of activity.”

Takes the law seriously????  BWAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

About 7% of Americans own an EV now, but the Greens are running out of “believers”, as only 9% of Americans are seriously considering buying one:

(GALLUP) More electric vehicles owners now, but fewer non-owners say they would buy one | Sharyl Attkisson

Tennessee just passed a bill (in both houses, now headed to the Gov’s desk) that would allow teachers to carry in classrooms.  They have to be volunteers, get 40 hours of firearms training and have a psychological evaluation, which seems pretty solid to me.  Predictably, the Dems are having a melt-down:

Tennessee State Dems Stage Die-In After Gun Vote – Victory Girls Blog

James Woods slams drag-queens dancing for children as “prelude to pedophilia”:

James Woods on Pedophilia (

When asked about the anti-sematic protests that are springing up in many leftist hell-holes (and collages, but I repeat myself) all over the country, FBI Director Wray states:  “We don’t monitor protests”.  Oh really?  What about January 6th, pro-life Christians protesting abortion, parents who protest school boards, and many other “conservative” protests?  What he’s REALLY saying is:  We’re OK with a protest if it suits the narrative:

The Central Banks of many countries are actively working to get rid of cash, so they can implement Central Bank Digital Currency.  Now thousands of banks “down under” are locking people out of withdrawing cash from their own accounts!

When the House voted to fund Ukraine another $60 Billion (which we have to borrow for, and pay back, with interest), the Dems all cheered and started waving little Ukraine flags.  Republican representative Thomas Massie (who did NOT vote for this) took a video of them waving the flags & posted it on X to show how our congress-critters care more about Ukraine than America.  However, the Sgt-at-Arms of the House has been directed to tell Rep. Massie to remove the Tweet or get fined $500/day.  I guess because it makes Congress look bad, doesn’t it?  Maybe they should not have sold out America:

Moonbattery Massie Threatened With Fine for Exposing Betrayal – Moonbattery

Remember:The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury.” — George Washington

I saw this and was intrigued:  A way to get a “patent” on your land, and remove it from the governments grip (no more property taxes).  Definitely want to look at it more:

Chain of Title – Ron Gibson’s Book, Land Patents by Ron Gibson (

Closing – Hashem is amazing.  Just watch this video.

Amazing Video Shows Bright Flash of Light When Sperm Meets Egg and Human Life Begins –




Pick of the Post:





Palate Cleansers:



Maybe because I’m male, but I’ve NEVER laughed because of a salad.  Women – have you?


TGIF!  I’ll show myself out…




And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

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its a trap - notice j Nitzakhon cartoon
