Werner Chicken Coop Raucous Roosters Happy Hens David Werner

Part Two: How Maggie Hassan Stuck NH with Electricity Rates That Are Double What They Should Be

CAPTAIN CLUCKER:” HEAR YE! HEAR YE! HEAR YE! The second meeting of the “CLUCKER COMMISSION” (my chickens self-assigned this name) is now in session. All those wishing to present nominations for the “MORON OF THE YEAR/YOU MIGHT BE A MORON” award, come forth and make your presentation.”

snow ice cold original Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Pay Attention America: Winter is Coming and Green Energy Can’t Keep Europe Warm

If ever there was a dead donkey to kick again, it’s this one, especially in the Northeast. Windfarms and solar installations will never keep us warm in the Winter. Absent a nuclear ramp-up with some hydro and natural gas backup, the all-electric future is not one coming soon, but Winter is!

True North Reports logo

They Really Have No Empathy for Others at All, Do They? TNR and DISQUS Doodlings Team Up

So once again, it’s back to Treehugger – and this time, it isn’t about tech stuff, or Government (per se) but an individual’s morality and that would be Lloyd.

Chris Sununu - crazy

Why Doesn’t Chris Sununu Have This Kind of “Put My Citizens First” Courage?

For all of the fine-sounding words, the  Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) does one thing: takes money from some so that Government will spend it elsewhere.

TCI Gas Tax

Rhode Island Advances Bill to Make NH Even More Popular for Tourists and Job Creators

If we can keep Democrats from ruining the Granite State, we’re in great shape for years to come. Every state around us has gone full-stupid (or close to it), punishing their residents with higher taxes and regulations. Add to that their epic cash grab disguised as a “climate” gas tax, and you can stick a … Read more

Thumb screws

Massachusetts Climate Change Apparatchik Says the Quiet Part Out Loud.

It’s instructive when a bureaucrat says, “I can’t even say this publicly.” That is exactly the sort of thing that the people who pay his salary (you folks) need to hear. So, it’s lucky for us it was recorded so that we can share it.

TCI Gas Tax

NH Formally Declines to Foist a Massive Regional Gas Tax on Struggling Granite Staters

Whatever our thoughts may be about Chris Sununu regarding Emergency orders (not good, if you didn’t notice), he got this one right. New Hampshire, along with Maine, has opted not to sign on to the Transportation Climate Initiative memorandum of understanding.

Don't Laugh Democrats Santa

How Are Your Electric Bills? Are they too low?

How are your electric bills? Heating bills? The cost of Gas? Are they too low? Isn’t it annoying when the government helps you to save money? Do you need help making those bills grow? Is energy independence for America a bad thing?

TCI Gas Tax

Hearing Tomorrow on Democrat Bill to Make Everything in NH Cost More

The Democrats zeal for raising your gas taxes by giving taxing powers to unelected regional bureaucrats is illegal in New Hampshire. Before they can attempt to do it (and they want to), they need to make it legal. SB610 is the enabling legislation.


Now Virginia (Yes Virginia) Is Giving the TCI Gas-Tax the Side – Eye

The Transportation Climate Initiative is like a pretty girl who suddenly can’t get a date. Or a pretty boy, or boy-girl, or girl boy, genderless penguin, Trans-Whale Horseshoe crab, or whatever. Sold as the darling of the ball TCI finds itself facing rejected yet again.

Money Laundering

Which Democrat Will Try to Make an Illegal Regional Transportation Tax Legal In NH?

The Transportation and Climate Initiative is a “regional collaboration of 12 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states (to) reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector.” It claims New Hampshire as a partner, but that is currently against the law.

Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy Logo

50 years after start of anti-Seabrook protests, a turn toward nuclear power

By Andrew Cline, Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy If San Francisco tech bro hipsters invented a carbon-free way to generate power 24/7, they would be hailed as saviors of the planet. Though they might yet come up with some use for a venti Matcha Green Tea Frappuccino, the energy technology in question predates them … Read more

New Hampshire Joins 18 State Coalition Looking to Screw the Rest of the Nation

On November 4th the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office issued a press release announcing that it will join “24 States, Cities, and counties” in defense of  the EPA’s clean power plan (CPP). There are 18 states involved in this ‘defense’ posture, half of whom are already bound up by a the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. These RGGI … Read more

Trouble Ahead…Administration has Its Head in the Sand

 ICECAP Trouble Ahead…Administration has Its Head in the Sand By Joseph D’Aleo, CCM Hudson Litchfield News In 2008, then-candidate Barack Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle that his cap-and-trade proposal to control greenhouse gas emissions would mean higher energy prices for Americans. “Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket,” Obama … Read more

Global warming. Fixing it’s as easy as… well, raising taxes.

This past Saturday during our radio program, “Meet the New Press” (podcasts here) I gave co-host Pat Hynes (AnkleBitingPundits) the needle about “his guy”, John McCain, the latest politician to climb aboard the “man is the cause of global warming” bandwagon. As someone who refuses to buy into that notion, I am becoming more distressed by the day … Read more

“Big Wind” Update

The emerging battle against wind generated power rages on. As I noted in this earlier posting on the topic, President Bush says our nation is "addicted" to foreign oil and that we must pull out all the stops in a quest for alternative energy. What could be better than harnessing the wind? We must all work … Read more