CAPTAIN CLUCKER:” HEAR YE! HEAR YE! HEAR YE! The second meeting of the “CLUCKER COMMISSION” (my chickens self-assigned this name) is now in session. All those wishing to present nominations for the “MORON OF THE YEAR/YOU MIGHT BE A MORON” award, come forth and make your presentation.”
Related: The Real Reason Eversource Raised its NH Electric Rates 110%
SILENCE ( I would have said “crickets” to denote silence, but my chickens would go nuts looking for the darn things.)
MASTER FEEDER: “ It appears that no one approaches. Shall we proceed anyway?”
CAPT. CLUCKER: “We shall. We plan to give you the floor but first wish to place in nomination EVERSOURCE. Based on what we have been told, they seem a good candidate. It was SGT.BROKEN BILL’S idea. We wanted him to make the nomination. However, I have to make it because we cannot seem to find him.
MASTER FEEDER: Your friend, the SGT., is no longer a part of the Coop. When one of you eats as much as he did, they graduate to a higher calling where they serve the nutritional needs of the great house on the hill behind the coop.
Regarding the nomination of EVERSOURCE, I can understand the thought, but I think you need to consider additional facts. If someone does something stupid or horribly wrong on their own, they could be a moron. But, if they do something because they have a gun to their head, (probably a bad choice of words for this “chicken” Commission that is only days away from such an event), maybe they are just trying to survive, and the morons are the ones holding the gun.
Certainly,EVERSOURCE took the actions I described, and certainly, they signed the contracts to raise electricity costs by 120 percent. But, a really good case can be made that they had a big honking revolver put right up against their “corporate” temple. That Gun had six high-powered bullets. Let’s take a look at those “bullets:
In 2005, the Governor of New Hampshire (John lynch, a Democrat) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Governors of Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Connecticut, and Delaware to establish this initiative (RGGI). This proposal (an MOU is not binding but expresses a general desire to pursue the program) sets up a regional technocracy to control CO2 emissions from power plants:
- The regional technocrats set an “enforceable” regional limit on how much CO2 can be emitted in the region.
- Once that limit is set, a system of credits is set up with one credit equal to the right to emit 1 short ton of CO 2. The total number of allowable credits then is simple math.
- On a quarterly basis, an auction is held by which all utilities bid for the available permits/credits.
- If a utility is unable to obtain enough credits to cover its CO2 emissions, it is a crime for them to operate over and above the amount allowed to them thru the auction.
By this system, CO2 — I.E. the burning of fossil fuels — is reduced by the limits imposed on the allowable permitted CO2 emissions. - The net result: Eversource could obviously figure out that it had to get out of the power generating business. Most of its generation, at that time, was fossil fuel and nuclear. The imposition of this “technocracy “over its business not only took away its rights to control its own business (for example, under this program, investing in maintenance or upgrades to coal plants was suddenly an incredible waste of money) but it imposed a rather large new tax (estimates I have seen range from 4.7 billion to 7 billion).
- Question: why blame EVERSOURCE for succumbing to the Regional Greenhouse Gas initiative? The ten participating States gutted their business. They simply did what they were told do. Bullet number 1 was a doozy.
Bullet number 1 was unenforceable in New Hampshire. If you go and study it, I think a fair conclusion was that the Republican Governor Lynch wanted to sign the MOU to study the idea of RGGI, but wasn’t quite sure it would be in the best interests of New Hampshire. He asked for a study to be done by the “University of New Hampshire”. That study somewhat reluctantly (to my eye) encouraged New Hampshire to participate in the RGGI –but mainly because we draw our electricity from the New England grid that is controlled by 6 other New England states that would penalize us if we resisted.
Sooooo….along comes Maggie Hassan with BULLET NUMBER 2: RSA 125-O.
- Maggie Hassan was then State Senator from District 23(Rockingham county).
- She, somehow, in her very short time in the Senate, became MAJORITY LEADER. She took up the cause of making RGGI into law and threw her full support into making RGGI into law (RSA 125-O).
- Under RSA 125-O, it is a crime for Eversource to produce more CO2 than permitted by the Energy Conservation Board. They set the limits on CO2. Of course, every year the limit goes down so that less CO2 is permitted and CO2 credits become more and more expensive.
- Eversource also has no reason to pay maintenance fees nor pay for structural improvements to deteriorating Power plants.
Some might say this is a good thing. Others — like me — say: “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR CLUCKING MIND?” because I saw the same program in California. Check it out yourselves but here is what I know:
- California cannot generate the electricity it needs. They are having rolling blackouts. They are having even worse things call Brownouts (where power is reduced but not stopped. It destroys everything being powered).
- California electricity is three tiered. Under the first tier—which is basic service so you don’t die in 120 degree heat—is 24 cents a kwh. (THAT IS FOR POOR PEOPLE THAT MAKE LESS THAN $150,000 DOLLARS A YEAR OR ILLEGAL ALIENS THAT GET EVERYTHING FOR FREE).
- Tier 2 service can run a small house. That is at 39 cents a kwh.
- Tier 3—which would be for most houses in New Hampshire and certainly for all businesses—is at 49 cents a kwh.
- The stated goal of California is 1 dollar a kwh.
SOOOO…service is third world but when you do get service, you have to pay prices that only millionaires can afford.
I have many friends in California as I lived and worked there most of my adult life. One friend has a very large accounting firm in the City of Cypress (population of around 50,000). He and I were talking at 2:15 pm and he told me that he had to hang up-it was Cypress turn for a blackout.
Maggie Hassan…Bullet number 2
Maggie Hassan did not stop with RGGI. Nor with RSA 125-O. She also cast the decisive vote for Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act.
Not sure why it has been labeled the way it is. It has nothing to do with reducing inflation.
Also, not sure why no one has mentioned probably the most important parts of the bill that will cause our electricity rates to double and triple over what we are now paying.
- First, under current law, the Federal Government imposes a royalty charge on hydro-carbons taken out of the ground by fossil fuel companies. The current level is 4.5 to 6 per cent. This bill raises that to as much as 20 Percent. Royalties are charged on total price, not profit. If oil is trading at 100 dollars a barrel, 20 dollars will now go to the federal Government. Translated, the federal Government has just tripled the tax it charges.Question: What does this increase in Royalty say to the folks like Eversource, oil companies, anyone relying on fossil fuels? Answer: It says you are going out of business if you own or buy oil, natural gas, diesel, coal. (If oil is selling for 100 dollars a barrel, that means USA oil in the ground is net 80 dollars to an oil company. If the same oil company generates oil in Mexico and imports it, there is no 20 per cent royalty and its net 100 dollars. That takes the USA oil out of the world market and squeezes the supply rendering the oil business and oil burning business at a visible dead end.
- Second, Just about every aspect of generating electricity involves the generation of methane gas. Oil refining. Coal burning. Natural gas production and transport. Under Joe Biden’s new law, a new and quite substantial tax is now imposed on methane gas. The tax is measured by the amount of methane gas an operation causes. The bill is hefty.
- There are other parts of the bill but just take these two — royalty to the Federal government of 20% of total price, not profit, and new hefty tax on Methane.
- Bottom line to EVERSOURCE_ get out of the electricity generating business as the Federal Government is out to destroy it with taxes and royalties. Don’t invest in any maintenance, improvements, or structure that has anything to with fossil fuels as it is a waste of time and money.
How many ads have you seen where MAGGIE HASSAN claims to be “fighting” for New Hampshire? How many ads have you seen where she asserts that she is an independent thinker not controlled by Joe Biden.
Well, facts matter.
On this “INFLATION REDUCTION BILL” it would never have passed if Hassan had said, “NO — NOT GOOD FOR MY PEOPLE.”
MAGGIE HASSAN just loaded the third bullet into the EVERSOURCE gun. She just voted to pass a law that will increase the cost of all fossil fuels — heating oil, gasoline, diesel, natural gas by astronomical amounts. Don’t be surprised if all of these fuels become so expensive that few can afford them. Don’t be suprised as well when you learn that this is what the Maggie Hassan’s of Washington have hoped for. Planned for. And think you are DUMB ENOUGH TO NOT SEE WHAT SHE DID.
BULLET 4: THE DESTRUCTION OF NUCLEAR AND HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER BY MAGGIE HASSAN, ELIZABETH WARREN, ED MARKEY, THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF NEW ENGLAND (No, there is no Democratic party of New Hampshire—it’s all run out of Boston, New York, and Washington).
Eversource—since 2005—has faced enormous pressure from Bullets 1-3 to stop generating power from coal, etc. I wasn’t there but it’s seems reasonable to think that they tried to find alternate sources of electricity. One area of promise was the Seabrook nuclear generating power plant. That facility was originally designed to have two reactors. The one that was in operation was providing fairly cheap and very clean electricity. A second reactor could generate a good replacement for coal, natural gas etc. Eversource could transition from cheap coal plants to cheap but clean nuclear.
OOPS! BAD EVERSOURCE. HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY THINK THAT THE “ELECTRICITY EXTERMINATORS” (Maggie Hassan, Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, etc.) would allow that second generator to be built.
- They mounted a campaign attacking nuclear power as dangerous and polluting and shut down any hope of ever building the second generator.
- Funny in that regard—most of Vermont’s power (71.8%) was from its own Nuclear power generating facility located in Vernon, Vermont. It was shut down in 2014. It was owned and operated by ENTERGY CORPORATION (A VERY LARGE POWER GENERATING COMPANY OUT OF ARKANSAS. THE LARGEST SHAREHOLDERS ARE VANGUARD, STATE STREET AND BLACK ROCK).
- Eversource might have gotten power from hydroelectric coming out of Canada. As Governor, Maggie Hassan made sure to shut that down. In a letter to the Governor of Connecticut, she famously wrote that she objected to the hydro-electric power plan because it would damage small bio mass electrical generating companies in New Hampshire. The whole project died on environmental objections.
- Bullet 4: Maggie Hassan and her buddies gutted any prospect of “clean” alternatives. Eversource lost its ability to generate power.
What if Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street all told Eversource to get out of the electricity generating business, stop burning fossil fuels, let Nexextra and Continental take over—or we will bankrupt you with a lousy ESG score fronm ALADDIN?
1. Entergy: which owned the Vermont Nuclear plant;
2. Seabrook Nuclear plant;
3. Nexextra Energy (which is who Eversource contracted with for 22.5 cents per kilowatt hour);
4. Continental Energy (the other company Eversource contracted with).
BLACKROCK is an enormous outfit controlling over 10 trillion dollars of investment money. VANGUARD IS NOT FAR BEHIND (6 TRILLION). Nor is STATE STREET (5 trillion.)
Collectively—and for some reason you always see them acting as a unit—they control nearly 21 trillion dollars of investment money. That is such a huge number that it is really hard to fathom. The entire budget of the U. S. Government is about 6.1 trillion. The total nominal GDP of USA is 23 trillion; of China, 17.7 trillion; of Japan 4.9 trillion.
Simple THOUGHT: these three have enormous wealth and power. How they use it seems devastating to New Hampshire. On the issue of ELECTRICITY, have we not essentially ceded our sovereignty to them? Consider:
- BLACKROCK developed an operating system called ALADDIN. Aladdin analyzes and then rates – via a scoring system – every company in the world. If you think that the system is based upon an analysis of the financial strength of a company you would be partially right, but mostly wrong. Aladdin is programed to evaluate companies not on their financial health but on criteria better labeled as social and environmental justice. The criteria used are labeled with the title ESG.
- You can find a complete statement of the ESG criteria on their website. For my purposes, Companies are evaluated by three categories 1. Environment; 2.Social 3. Governance.
- For example, Coca Cola is evaluated not by how many sodas they sold but by how much carbon was needed to make those sodas. Tesla is evaluated not by how many cars it sells but by how much it contributed to the teaching of Critical race theory to its employees.
- Curiously, the ESG criteria seem to mirror the WEF/ DAVOS GROUPS agenda. Curiously, the head of BLACKROCK is on the board of directors for the DAVOS GROUP. Vanguard and State street are both signatories to the WEF program called ‘RACE TO ZERO”. Larry fink, of Blackrock recently told a reporter that to achieve the goals of the WEF, proper behavior must be “forced.”
- (When you see all these big Corporations—like Coca Cola—promoting CRT or DEI – I suppose it could be just because they think it the right thing to do. However, what do you think happens to them if Blackrock gives them a low ESG score. How about bankruptcy?)
- Bullet 5: Eversource might have been unable to resist the guiding hand of BLACKROCK, VANGUARD AND STATE STREET.
When Joe Biden was running for president, he was losing quite substantially to others who were running. He went to a rather famous meeting with Blackrock. After that meeting, he and Larry fink announced that he would be the next President.
Brian Deese-a pivotal executive at Blackrock– is Biden’s chief economic adviser. Adewale Adeyemo-chief of staff to Larry fink—essentially runs the treasury Department. Michael Pyle—another Blackrock executive—is chief economic advisor to Kamala Harris. Many folks believe that Blackrock—with its Aladdin program and its ESG scoring system—now run the country.
In the Senate, there is an even split between 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans. If Maggie Hassan had decided to vote for the interests of New Hampshire, none of Biden/Blackrock’s massive spending programs or Social/ CRT programs would have passed.
In her campaign for re-election, she reports overs $26 million in revenue. GEORGE SOROS famously announced that his first—but not his last—contribution to political candidates in 2022 was to MAGGIE HASSAN—WHO MAKES HIS ENTIRE AGENDA POSSIBLE.
- BULLET 6: So, did EVERSOURCE look at the lay of the land and just surrender?
- Did they see the enormous wealth and power of Blackrock, Vanguard, and State street and surrender?
- Did they look at how they control the Biden administration and just surrender?
- Did they see the action of Hassan and her Electricity exterminating brethren and just surrender?
- Did they realize that their “Goose” was cooked—no way out—so they just surrendered?
Capt. Clucker: WAIT—Goose is cooked? Did you say the “Goose was cooked?” Where? When? Are we next? Is Hassan coming for us to cook us? First, the Goose. Now the Chickens?”
Master Feeder: No, it’s just a figure of speech.
Capt. Clucker: Really? Then how come you call some of us Meat Birds?
Master Feeder: Because…uh…everyone wants to meet you?
Capt. Clucker: oh? Alright. Then let me do something all of us want to do: We nominate Eversource as coward of the year. Moron of the year clearly should go to anyone who believes Maggie Hassan on any subject.
Master feeder: Sorry, but Chickens are not smart enough to vote on such a vital matter. At least not until all the nominations are in place. We have more.
Capt. Clucker: Whoa! Meeting is adjourned. UPS just drove up. What did you get us? Heat lamp? Jacuzzi bath?