Vermont’s Dumb (and Unconstitutional) Bill to Fine Big Oil for “Emissions”

The confidence artists doing business as Vermont’s Democratic majority legislature have crafted a bill it thinks will make Big Oil pay for environmental damage which it claims is the result of years of detrimental emissions.

EV Electric Vehicle Charging Station

Is Vermont’s Zero Emissions Strategy Worse for the Environment Than Doing Nothing?

Vermont Governor Phil Scott (D – Registered as a Republican) has an announcement. He is appeasing the idiot Left by “joining 15 states and the District of Columbia in a push to electrify buses and trucks.” Electric shock therapy might be better because these vehicles are worse for emissions, not better.

Smokestack, smoke, co2, emissions

A Laugh Out Loud Funny Biomass Boondoggle Problem in Vermont

The hippies took Vermont over years ago, and the years of “recreational” drug use have finally shown up in their political offspring. I’m not laying claim or exclusive rights to the discovery. There are reams of evidence on these and like-minded pages, covering years, that make the case, but I think this rises to the … Read more

Fossil Fuel Companies Won’t PAY for “Climate Change” – Vermonters Will

Vermont has just done something hailed by Climateers as groundbreaking and memorialized by The Week with the headline: ‘Vermont becomes first state to make fossil fuel companies pay for climate change.’ Really?

Who Made Vermont Use Fossil Fuels in the First Place?

Last week, I took Vermont Democrats to the rhetorical woodshed over a new law to charge fossil fuel companies for the cost of climate change. It was a fun ride but long-winded, so I published it on Substack.

Night Cap: Howard Dean Might Be Running for Governor of Vermont Again

Once Upon a Time, Howard Dean was the governor of Vermont. He ran for president a few cycles back (2004) and was doing well until the infamous scream in Iowa. The young folks loved him, but it flattened his curve, and John Kerry went on to win the party nomination. Dean’s not been idle but … Read more

Green Revolution: A Wealth Transfer from Poor to Rich That Doesn’t Reduce Emissions*

You don’t need liberty-aligned bloggers to tell you that the renewable energy scheme is an expensive scam. The state laboratory of California is doing a fine job of that. It is the movement’s mentor and demon poster child for failure.

Candlelight candle flame Photo by Jarl Schmidt on Unsplash

Night Cap: Where Will Vermont Find the Money for This?

The People’s Republic of Vermont has a climate itch it can’t stop scratching. An irritation that persists to the point of bleeding if it were on your person. And it is. You, kind people of Vermont, will pay in ways they can’t or won’t explain.

Vermonters Really Don’t Support State Energy Policy

The Vermont Department of Public Services conducted a poll and a series of focus groups over the summer regarding state energy policy, specifically support for or opposition to using more renewable energy. They just released the 87-page report on what they found out.

smokestack soot -pexels-ion-ceban-ionelceban-3080527 Photo by Ion Ceban @ionelceban

Vermont Emits Less “Carbon” than NH but Produces Less With it (So Is It Actually Emitting More?)

Vermont is serious about destroying its economy and residents via meaningless reductions in carbon emissions. They’ve got commissions, committees, targets, and standards, so they’ve also got reports about how all that’s not working out for them.

Are $6 Per Gallon Gas Prices Coming to Vermont?

It so happens I am in Seattle, Washington, this week helping my son settle into a new living/job situation, and one of the first things you notice when driving around this city is how absurdly expensive gasoline is.

Vermont Biologists and Foresters Pretend There Will be Room Left for “Forests” in Our Net Zero Future

WCAX has this cute little piece about biologists and foresters colluding “to understand and manage a forest in a changing climate.” This is just a suggestion, but you may want to focus on the reality of what Climate Change politics will do to Vermont’s forests.

EV, Eletric Vehicle parking spot

Vermont Looks for a Way to Bribe People Into less Reliable Transportation

Electric vehicles are not better for the environment, regardless of the electricity source. EVs do not solve any emissions problem, may make them worse, are also unreliable and ill-suited to a rural-urban climate, but Burlington, Vermont, is thinking, bribes!

EV, Eletric Vehicle parking spot

Is Vermont’s “Double Tax” on EVs Really the Problem?

Vermont goes out of its way to steal from its citizens. They are one of the most taxed populations in the US. So an op-ed by EV advocates concerned that vehicle and charging taxes might impact economically vulnerable populations seemed worth my time.

Open pit mining

We Need to Stop Pretending That Vermont’s New Clean Heat Standard Won’t Ruin Someone Else’s Environment

VT Digger recently published an op-ed by a local left-wing environmental lawyer. You wouldn’t know it unless you went looking, but Joslyn L. Wilschek is a Utilities and Environmental lawyer with a law office in Montpelier, and her op-ed is about (drumroll) the environment. It is also blinkered.

Vermont Green Mountains

Is Vermont’s Land Grab About Conservation or Securing Real Estate for Wind and Solar Farms?

Much like in New Hampshire, if a bill sits on a governor’s desk for too long, it passes without a signature. Passed without action and allowed to become law. It is a form of Gubernatorial protest without much protest.

Gov Phill Scott - Gov Page Screen Grab

Will Vermont Dems Double Down on “We Know Better Than You”?

Vermont’s misnamed Affordable Heat Act is a dangerous piece of partisan legislation that will cost Vermonters more than money. But many know that and have been vocal in their opposition to it. Dems in the legislature passed it anyway, and Gov Scott has promised a veto.


Poseidon is Laughing at Your Puny Emissions

Manhattan is not underwater, Florida and its Keys look the same, the Maldives have changed (they added more oceanside hotels), and your paltry emissions aren’t going to change that. The Earth is far more complex than the political scientists milking you on its behalf.

Money down the toilet

Another Expensive Lesson New Hampshire Could Learn From Vermont

We can debate 232 years later whether accepting Vermont into the union was a good idea, but there have been a few positives, Calvin Coolidge being one of them. But recent decades have seen a significant decline as the Democrat Socialists have turned it into a Right-Coast California without the coast.

Electricity power lines Transmission lines High voltage

Vermont Electric Vehicle Mandates “Interview” Never Asks the Only Question That Matters …

Vermont has locked in on the California Cobb up-the-backside Electric Vehicle/emissions reduction plan. By 2035 you won’t be able to buy or register a new gas-powered vehicle in the state. All new vehicles will be electric which is a problem for a host of reasons.