Forest fire leaves branch Photo by Alfred Kenneally on Unsplash

Wildfires and Climate Change: What the Alarmists Aren’t Doing – And What They Aren’t Telling Us.

As with all things environmental, climate alarmists conclude that current wildfires are more evidence of greenhouse gas warming. This must be clarified, as human activities other than driving cars or rearing cows impact these terrible disasters. Appropriate preventive policies are dependent on an accurate diagnosis of cause. The knee-jerk “the sky is falling” pathos furthers … Read more

Tennis Courts and the War in Ukraine: A Climatic Comparison

The tiresome trend of self-righteous climate activists gluing themselves to treasured works of art to “protest” against fossil fuels and anthropomorphic climate change recently extended to the US Open, where tennis was condemned via the gluing of footwear to the tarmac.

EV, Eletric Vehicle parking spot

Is It too Soon to Report Even MORE Bad News About Electric Vehicles?

Before I impart the new bad news, yesterday, Rob Roper looked at Vermont’s ridiculous, misguided spending decisions regarding school buses. They don’t have enough drivers, so when they got some money, they ‘invested it’ in electric school buses (for whom they still don’t have enough drivers).

Boy cold, freezing

Climate Committee Says Don’t Run Electric Heat Pumps at Night

Climate Change isn’t just about changing the climate outside. It is about you changing the climate inside becasue of their claims about the climate outside. It is undoubtedly a mental disorder, but the inmates running the asylum will not be persuaded to stop the madness.

Progressive Three-Way: Climate Cultists vs. Burning Man Hippies & “Indigenous” People – Fight!

Burning Man is an annual event that attracts some interesting people. It’s like an Elite-secular-cultist-hippy gathering (Vermont has a very progressive local version). Three days ago, traffic to the event was backed up because some elite hippy climate cultists had blocked a Nevada road on Tribal Land. The Native American Tribal Police responded.


Is NASA Just Another Biden/Harris Social Justice Agency?

At an Aug. 14 news conference, NASA and other experts proclaimed that, according to “clear science,” current record-high temperatures are attributable to human activity. Yet NASA did not present any scientific evidence to demonstrate a connection between current warm temperatures and greenhouse gas emissions and ignored the massive non-anthropomorphic impact of last year’s record-breaking under-ocean volcano.

You Haven’t Decarbonized a Damn Thing

Vermont Public is playing with words again. A recent piece titled, “Vermont farmers say they need more gov’t help as climate change causes more extreme weather,” almost sounds like Vermont Farmers are saying they need help because of climate change.

Does Paying Flood Victims to Get Cars That Explode When Wet Make Sense?

Following the recent flooding throughout Vermont this summer, the state very proudly touted a response program that offers victims who lost or suffered damage to their cars the opportunity to replace them with an electric vehicle. Not an internal combustion engine vehicle, just an electric vehicle.

Cow original Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

Cow and Horse Flatulence: A Farmer’s Comparative Environmental Assessment

The problem of horse flatulence is not often discussed, yet there are important lessons to be learned from equine methane gas (via flatulence or burp), particularly to demonstrate the fraudulent claims leveled against cows as major polluters.

Trucker truckers long haul original Photo by Taylor on Unsplash

Science Once Again Punches Net Zero In Its Stupid Face

As Maine considers following Massachusetts and Vermont down the California EV, NetZero ***! Hole, the science, and a handful of people with some common sense have stepped in to say, slow the hell down. Electrifying trucks comes with some serious downsides.

qurstions question marks image by qimono pixaby

NY Unlikely to Save VT Climate Plan – (Empire Staters just as clueless about how to meet GHG goals)

Vermont’s Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) requires our state to meet some very stringent greenhouse gas reduction targets in 2025, 2030, and 2050. To be precise, 26% below 2005 levels by 2025, 40% below 1990 levels by 2030, and 80% below by 2050.

Copeland-Hanzas’ and Her Party’s Climate Policy Sets Up More Disasters

Vermonters just witnessed the worst flooding since Irene in 2011, which was the worst flooding since the summer of 1998, which was the worst flooding since 1976, which was the worst flooding since 1938, which was the worst flooding since the most famous of all floods, the one in 1927.

Rain rainfall precipitation Photo by reza shayestehpour on Unsplash

Biggest Flood Related Scam: The Global Warming Solutions Act

The headline in VT Digger read, “Officials issue warnings about flood-related scams,” and, “Natural disasters make people more vulnerable to scams.” Surely, they do, and Vermonters should indeed be on the lookout for those praying on people’s fears and emotions in the wake of the tragic flooding so many areas of our state are experiencing.

Vial needle syringe injection vaccine

Slippery Meet Slope: Doctors in The Netherlands Are Euthanizing People with Autism

File this under next steps. “Several Dutch citizens who had autism or other intellectual disabilities have died by physician-assisted suicide in recent years after doctors determined their afflictions were untreatable obstacles to a normal life, researchers found.”


Assisted Suicide Could be a Cash Cow for Funeral Homes and Governments

Where Canada goes, Vermont follows – remember, they did try to join Canada way back when – so it seems logical to wonder about this. For $700.00, a funeral home in Quebec offer “a space for assisted dying, providing care to the family and handling the body afterward.”

Candlelight candle flame Photo by Jarl Schmidt on Unsplash

Oxford University Calculates That Achieving Net Zero Will Require Closing Airports, No New Construction, Food Bans …

Vermont is a poster child for the level of stupid required to embrace the myth of Net Zero, not just rhetorically but actively. They are ramming through a heat standard that can’t be met and that almost none of Vermont’s citizens want.

Unhinged Democrats

Democrat Rule Is the Single Biggest Threat to Your Longevity and Quality of Life.

The Democrat party is the party of death, but they are also the party of fear, and one of the more recent terms to join their lexicon is forever chemicals. Anything that gets into your body accumulates and never leaves, like Democrat Socialism.

Natural gas gast stove Photo by KWON JUNHO on Unsplash

Federal Govt LIED to Us – They Are Taking Away Our Gas Stoves – And Going After Our Fridges, A/Cs, and Clothes Washers/Dryers

And aren’t you just THRILLED with how well your new dishwasher works (sarcasm – I hate mine)?  Thanks, Govt, for “looking out for me”!  All by our faceless, unaccountable, unelected, and now, REALLY unassailable bureaucrats all in thrall to Global Warming.

vehicle collision crach damage

Another Electric Vehicle Fail – Even Minor Collision Damage Can Equal “Junked” Vehicle

EVs are a miserable experiment. Not green, not affordable, not efficient, and an uncontrollable fire hazard, they can cost almost 30% more to insure, and even minor damage could mean repairs exceed the vehicle’s value, so it gets scrapped.

CFL Compact Flourescent light bulb

Dems Go From Demanding You Use CLF Bulbs to Banning Them

The Obama years saw many things go sideways, including a top-down demand that Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) replace incandescent, the latter to be banned by law. Ten years later, and Dems are banning CFLs.