Treating Eczema with CBD Oil: Is That Possible? CBD products come in all shapes and sizes. You can buy CBD oils, tinctures, capsules, and even gummies. We recommend a CBD tincture as it has so many proven benefits that it is hard for people to stay away. You must have noticed that everyone around you has suddenly started talking about all these … Read more

California state outline bear

DemSense: Greening California Means Importing More Foreign Oil

Here’s a quick, mid-Friday Facepalm for you!. California! I know I could stop there and have made my point. Any point. But you’re here for snarky commentary. An opinion that exposes degrees of stupid only achievable by Democrats and California is their holy Ground.


Why Did NATO Open a Joint Forces Command Center in Norfolk VA – The First on US Soil

I would normally think little or nothing of this. It is press from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). You may remember them as the stooges that Trump forced to pay their fair share for defense costs. NATO just opened their first North American “franchise” office.

2Rev SAU 16 mash up

More Snake Oil Coming Out of (SAU16) Exeter

A third-party firm called “2Revolutions” is now in SAU 16, and someone needs to provide the public with the “cost” to taxpayers. When I filed a Right to Know Request to determine the cost, I was provided a sum of $16,000.00. That figure may have changed since that request was sent.

toilet paper caer haording Larry Alton Coronavirus - swarm

If Americans “Hoarded” Liberty like Toilet Paper or Gasoline…

The latest crisis that is not “the real crisis” is gasoline. Not everywhere. The southeastern united states panicked after a hacker incursion promoted Colonial to shut down its pipeline. It was not unreasonable, exactly. Stations ran out of gas.

Oil rig sunset

Data Point – Number of Active Oil Drilling Rigs in the US

And I’m waiting to see the dip due to President Biden’s Executive Orders making it harder to frack and closing off Federal lands once again:

Deb Stevens

Video Update: NH State Rep Deb Stevens Shamed for Boiling Her Dog in the Sun All Day Long

This is an update to Steve’s post that pointed out that Progressive Deb Stevens had no concern at all for leaving her “precious” pooch to boil in the hot sun the entire time.

Hate crimes by race

The Truth Hurts and Spoils the Critical Race Theory Narrative

The problem isn’t the number of guns in the US (estimated now at around 400 million) but the culture of those that have them. Culture counts and a culture that doesn’t value life has chart results like this. If you need any more proof, look at the stats in Chicago after almost every weekend.

Showerheads - Getty Images

The Feds should never have been in our toilets and showers anyways

Back in August / September, I blogged about a TreeHugger post “Good News for the Rich: Their Fancy Showers Can Waste More Water” in that head honcho Lloyd was some upset that the Trump Administration was going to do what the Left said they wanted Government to do about bedrooms (at least for years and … Read more

Election Reflection

Election Reflection … Cellophane Over the Toilet Seat

Election Day is long past so let’s indulge in a little election reflection. The results are not certified in enough places for the election result to be resolved. Maybe the reported election results are dishonest. It appears they are.

Michigan toilet absentee ballots

Democrat not Happy About a Political Joke Involving Absentee Ballots and a Toilet

Here is one more example of what the Right thinks. That the Left has little to no sense of humor, as you all know. Democrats are all-in on the absentee-universal ballots, which have become a thing during this WuFlu pandemic. Frankly, most political watchers know this isn’t about “keeping safe.

Showerheads - Getty Images

DISQUS Doodlings – Toilet Tyrannies, Socialist Shower Heads, and what else did I forget?

Sometimes I get a little pat on the back from one of the “managerial Elite” over at Treehugger. I’m generally the guy that is orthogonal to most of the folks there. Like Bruce Currie is here but with one big exception – I don’t disparage the information that is brought up and I don’t call … Read more

Showerheads - Getty Images

DISQUS Doodlings – Toilet Tyrannies, Socialist Shower Heads, and “Who Chooses?”

Emphasis mine: But he [Trump] is a man of action and instructed the EPA and the Department of Energy to change the rules. An energy department spokesperson says “If adopted, this rule would undo the action of the previous Administration and return to Congressional intent, allowing Americans – not Washington bureaucrats – to choose what … Read more

Showerheads - Getty Images

DISQUS Doodlings – Toilet Tyrannies, Socialist Shower Heads, and Dementia Joe

Over at Treehugger, they continue to rail against people who choose for themselves even over showerheads and toilets. You know, the Chinese Water Torture showerheads that just drips….drips….drips. Then you have the flush a number of times toilet where #2 wants to hang out with you for a couple of days.

Natural Gas Flame stove top

Are the Left’s Anti-Oil and Gas Policies Fracking Racist!?

Just so we’re clear the Democrat Race-Pimps Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are in favor of transitioning to what the left pretends are cleaner forms of energy (they are not). But they are concerned that the current crop of Fracking-banners would place an unfair burden on African Americans.

Deadliness of the lockdowns

Politicians Claim Lower Oil Prices Are Bad

The price of U.S. oil is dropping.  It stands at an 18-year low. Demand continues to decline as the world’s economy grinds to a halt. Much of the world is in lockdown.

Where to put all that milk

Data Point – which is flying off the shelves faster: toilet paper or ammo?

Yeah, the “Featured Image” as we call them is the spoiler, sorta. I dunno, to be perfectly honest. I’ve gone to our local Shaw’s, Lowe’s, Walmart, and Market Basket.  Really, do people actually think they can eat all that toilet paper?

Oil well pump Oil and GDP

Oil Hits 18-Year Low as Crude Futures Plummet

Oil prices have been historically low for a while and uncharacteristically stable. But earlier this month, after negotiations broke down. Russia told OPEC to “go screw” on production quotas. Saudi Arabia said much the same, and a price war broke out.

Bernie Biden Debate

“Moderate” Democrat Joe Biden Would End Drilling for Oil In America

The moderate contender and presumptive nominee for the Democrat party is taking the dependency rhetoric out a whole new door. He’d like very much to end the oil industry. 

Oil well pump Oil and GDP

Russia Tells OPEC and its Production Cuts to Piss Off – Oil Prices Plunge 30%

Russia has (apparently) grown weary of the US controlling the global oil and gas trade. Growing its market share and using its newfound energy independence as geopolitical leverage. All the fracking! Moving in on Europe. Into Russia’s backyard. Well, Putin has had enough.