The Feds should never have been in our toilets and showers anyways - Granite Grok

The Feds should never have been in our toilets and showers anyways

Showerheads - Getty Images

Back in August / September, I blogged about a TreeHugger post “Good News for the Rich: Their Fancy Showers Can Waste More Water” in that head honcho Lloyd was some upset that the Trump Administration was going to do what the Left said they wanted Government to do about bedrooms (at least for years and years – get out. Now, not so much as everyone’s sex life is seemingly all of our business) – get out of our bathrooms. I said most of my thoughts here, here and here. Grokster Norm pitched in here.

And now it has come to pass – the Government isn’t in our showerheads any more, at least part way:

Trump Administration Turns Back Obama-Era Regulation Impeding ‘Quality Showers’

The Trump administration has rolled back an Obama-era rule-change that placed new standards on showerheads in order to decrease daily water usage and increase conservation, a federal regulation the president has repeatedly derided as burdensome.

Under the rule-change, federal officials will no longer apply the gallons-per-minute limit for showerheads across all nozzles in a given shower, a departure from the Obama administration, which capped their collective output at 2.5 gallons per minute.

The Eco-Fascists over at TH are all aghast – how COULD a regulation by our All-Knowing and Gracious Government dare to remove one of our fervent water prayers – just one drip at a time! They got upset when someone had the bright idea that if a showerhead was limited to that flow rate, then simply add another one to get a decent show (you know, their Pursuit of Happiness, if just for a few minutes or until the hot water heater went cold).

No, they demanded that Government DO something about it and it did – ALL showerheads COLLECTIVELY could only output the 2.5 gallons. Bummer.

Thankfully, Trump has made showers great again. And Biden will most likely change the change – anyone wanna bet it will be 1.5 gallons per minute just to spite Trump?

Buy your replacement heads now because of TDS, we’re all gonna suffer worse showers going forward. After all, Trump correctly said that they were not after him, they were all after us.

(H/T: Daily Wire)


