Will VT Lawmakers Drive Up Heating Oil to $8.00/gal in Bid to Save Planet?

When Julie Moore, Secretary of Natural Resources, said the Clean Heat Standards “carbon credit” tax on home heating fuels could drive up costs by 70 cents per gallon, the advocates of the program shouted her down and said, “Wait for the official analysis done by the real experts, you know-nothing, political hack!” (I’m consolidating and … Read more


School District Decided to Flush $83,250.00 Down the Toilet

The Governor Wentworth Regional School District (GWRSD) has signed a contract with Great Schools Partnership (GSP). Why was this a waste of money? All one has to do is look at its track record in Maine to see how it wasted money on this consulting organization. GWRSD just paid $83,250.00 to GSP consultants for an … Read more

Money cash

Make Big Oil Pay? Court Says Nope!

Just this past May, the Vermont legislature passed Act 122 (S.259), the Climate Superfund Bill also known as “Make Big Oil Pay!” The idea behind it is that Vermont taxpayers will blow $600,000 hiring a bunch of consultants and bureaucrats to manufacture a sciencey-looking, totally serious – no really — accounting of the damage done … Read more

Donald Trump announces 2024 run

No Matter How This Election Ends, There’s Going to Be Turmoil

The 2 party system is not what the founders planned for, and I believe it is totally corrupted. My Litmus Test is being able to vote for someone without having to hold my nose. In my first several elections, I was third party and independent.

Ocean Reef Coral Reef

From Boiling Oceans™ to Bleaching Corals™ – How About Some Actual Science

The Climate Cult echo chamber is full voice after the BBC published a misleading bit of global terrorism this week titled “Coral bleaching: Fourth global mass stress episode underway – US scientists.”

Vermont’s Dumb (and Unconstitutional) Bill to Fine Big Oil for “Emissions”

The confidence artists doing business as Vermont’s Democratic majority legislature have crafted a bill it thinks will make Big Oil pay for environmental damage which it claims is the result of years of detrimental emissions.

Haman’s Gallows and Snake Oil

Today is Purim, a gallows-humorous Jewish holiday like Halloween and St Patrick’s Day. Jews often dress in costumes and overimbibe on Purim (see featured image above from Purim 2015).

Flushing Your Money Down the Toilet on Professional Development for Teachers

As an education researcher, I’ve been hearing about wasteful spending on teacher professional development for decades. Teachers do value quality professional development, but some will privately tell you that it can be a waste of their time, and taxpayer dollars.

Biden Admin Follows COP28 Promise to End Fossil Fuels With Massive Oil/Gas Lease Sale

On the 2020 Presidential campaign trail – what of it there was – Joe Biden promised to end fossil fuels. True to form, Whoever is Running the Biden Administration has – since day one – acted toward that end. Joe’s administration has been US history’s most hostile to affordable energy.

Pierre Poilievre is My New Favorite Politician

There have been several talented politicians who are adept at messing with the media, and I’m not taking anything away from them, but I love this guy. Pierre Poilievre.

oil rig prices

War, Oil, Inflation, And Global Economy

War is no longer a battle between two foes while the world watches for the outcome, especially when the struggle involves countries in the Middle East. With Joe Biden putting the American petroleum industry in chains, the Middle East has regained prominence as the region supplying the majority of oil to much of the world.

Confucius Institute Logo

How $1M From China-linked Groups Oiled New York Politics

The Confucius Institute funded UNH. There is a contract through 2024 or at least a payment that has been made through 2024. Has anyone seen the contract? Why did UNH get chosen to introduce the unregulated “Dear Colleague” Title IX letter in 2011?

Snake Oil Coming from New Hampshire’s Learning Initiative

The Learning Initiative gives you a good idea about the players in New Hampshire that push national education initiatives, whether they work or not. Think about all of the fads that have come through our public schools only to be shown that they did nothing to improve academic outcomes.

oil rig prices

The Oil-Price Shock Is a Direct Consequence of Interventionism.

Oil prices are soaring, and, as always, we read in many articles that OPEC and Russia are to blame. However, if OPEC and its allies were almighty and the drivers of oil prices, why have Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude plummeted in 2022? OPEC only reacts to demand, but it is not a price-setter. It is a price-taker. WTI … Read more

NOAA’s Temperature Anomaly Data for July (Science) vs. Boiling (Science Fiction)

NOAA’s Temperature Anamoly Data for July (Science) vs. Global Boiling (Science Fiction) NOAA is not an honest broker when it comes to the question of climate science. Historical data is tampered with constantly – either massaged or disappeared. So let’s look at the July update of the Contiguous US temperature anomaly with that in mind.

toilet face flush

Boy Toy: Public Toilet Morality

Have you heard of “Boy Toy”? It’s a book Dover School Library retains on its shelf. The plot of Boy Toy is centered around the sexual abuse of a boy by his female teacher. Not only is the story filth but page upon page is laced with profanity.

Ilhan Omar

Ilhan Omar Tries to Walk on Oil and Water

Ilhan Omar has tried to sell herself as a moderate Muslim. This manifests as systemic anti-Semitism on one hand and marrying a white devil on the other—an extremist balancing act.

pinwheel wind

You Know What Doesn’t Fail to Produce Energy During a Heat Wave? Oil, Gas, Coal, Nuclear, Hydro, …

If nine-tenths of whatever “is just showing up,” this hackneyed turn of phrase has a problem when it comes to so-called green energy alternatives. They are not green, and when you need them most (extreme heat or cold), they are most likely to fail.

Oil rig oil and gas fossil fuel

What If Big Oil Cut Off Places That Sue Them for Climate Compensation?

The climateer’s nuisance lawsuits against energy companies continue as woke activists get cities or counties to claim climate damages and then sue for compensation. The cases end up in court for years, but there may be a simpler, cheaper, less carbon-intensive solution.

Grokified Treehugger Logo

Dang! I’m Not Going to Have Treehugger as a Foil Any Longer

I received word from Lloyd Alter yesterday that DotDash-Meredith, Treehugger’s corporate head, had decided to “go in a different direction” and has laid off all of the staff and writers.