Why Are People Choosing THC Pen Over THC Oil?

THC Pen has become increasingly popular recently, especially among medical marijuana patients. There are several reasons why THC pens are favored over other forms of cannabis consumption:

Ronald Reagan

The Terminal List And The Reagan Revolution … (WARNING: potential spoilers)

The Terminal List is a series on Prime Video, based on a book(s) by former SEAL Jack Carr. It is quite popular with the hoi polloi, and quite unpopular with the elites, as you can see from this Rotten Tomatoes rating: It is easy to understand why the Terminal List is so unpopular with the … Read more

I did that sticcker screen grab

How Biden Helps Struggling Americans: Let’s Cancel 2000 Existing Oil and Gas Leases

Joe’s war on fossil fuels continues. The Department of the Interior and an activist judge are working on a scheme that could invalidate up to two thousand domestic oil and gas leases.

Oil rig sunset

How Did Putin Get Biden to Shut Down America’s Largest Domestic Oil and Gas Lease Sale Last Week?

If everything is Vladimir Putin’s fault, we might want to consider why he has so much influence over America but only since Joe Biden became president? Any takers? Okay, let’s try something a bit easier.

Home Oil Tank OpenVerse MA Dept of Env Protection

Heating Oil Costs Are Rippling across My Life and Family

Today, I had an eye-opener, reality check, slap in the face, call it what you want, can you guess what it was? It’s the cost of heating oil. Heating oil is now up to $6.50 per gallon. If you were to get a delivery of 200 gallons that fill-up will cost $1,300. A year ago, … Read more

oil rig crude oil original Photo by David Thielen on Unsplash

BIG Oil Cartoon Is Latest Example of Luckovich’s Propaganda

Amazing how editors at The Laconia Daily Sun have been so selective about what conservative cartoons are printed while those of propagandist Mike Luckovich get printed routinely.

Levers Pixaby Image

Response to Biden’s Boot on Oil Company Necks – Nationalize Them!

Democrats cheered when Biden stepped foot into the Oval Office and started shutting down oil and gas infrastructure. Prices immediately rose, and that was good for them too. Make it so expensive that green can compete.

oil rig crude oil original Photo by David Thielen on Unsplash

Who Knew: Foreign Oil Doesn’t Emit Greenhouse Gasses!

DC Circus’ ring leader, Slo Joe Biden, has quite a problem on his hands. He kneecapped the domestic fossil fuel industry while Democrats in Congress told Oil CEOs to commit to annual production cuts.

Tin can phone YouTube screen grab - crafts with Lupine

SAU16/Exeter Administrators, Selling More Snake Oil to Spin the Failures of Remote Learning

In the latest article drafted by school administrators in SAU16/Exeter, David Ryan, Esther Asbell, and Christopher Adriski try to smooth over the disaster they helped create in the school district.

Globe earth original Photo by Gaël Gaborel on Unsplash

Buying Foreign Oil Also Keeps US Dollars Away from People Who Disagree with Democrats

America has a lot of oil and gas. So much, in fact, that we don’t need to import it. But that’s what Democrats like. Foreign oil keeps more US dollars out of the hands of people who disagree with them politically.

Globe alaska Original image - Pixaby

The Perfect Headline Doesn’t Exis…”Biden Sells Alaska Back to Russia So We Can Start Drilling for Oil There Again”

At just fifteen words, this Babylon Bee headline says many things about the Left and its bizarre tendencies. Developing US reserves is bad for the environment but buying more from environmentally-indifferent Russia (plus the thousands of miles to move it) is not.

Oil rig oil and gas fossil fuel

Biden Thinks We Might need More Oil so He’s Looking to Russia, Iran, and Venezuela

Before Joe Biden stumbled into the Oval Office, the United States was the global leader in oil production. We weren’t dependent on anyone, sorry – that’s not entirely true.

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Is the Chair of the US Congressional Progressive Caucus Inferring That Biden a Despot over Oil?

So, despots and dictators are the ones that are keeping gas prices up. And will never let those prices go down for American consumers – got it! And this is why Progressives hate us that understand history – even if just a year old: Jayapal: Gas Prices Will Go Up ‘No Matter What’ and We … Read more

Oil rig sunset

Jen Psaki Claims “We Need To Reduce Our Dependence On Foreign Oil” (VIDEO)

Looking more bug-eyed and sounding more crazed than ever, if that’s possible, soon-to-be departing Jen Psaki made the outlandish observation that the Russia-Ukraine conflict has highlighted the need for America to reduce its consumption of foreign oil.

Oil rig sunset

Joe Biden’s America Is Buying Three Times as Much Oil from Russia and At Higher Prices

Remember when oil was cheap, and so was motor fuel? Nations that hate us were no longer raking in US petrol dollars. America was a net exporter of oil and gas. Lots of jobs and the incomes that came with them. Not since Joe Biden took over.

CBD Oils affect Kidneys

Does CBD Oil affect the Kidneys?

For the long past decades, cannabis has been misunderstood as a dangerous narcotic by the federal government. However, with the uplift of CBD, these thoughts are also changed as it is extracted from these plants as well. In recent times people are using CBD to enjoy several therapeutic benefits along with a benefit from chronic … Read more

Sun King Sununu

The Governor Has Already Suspended State Law Once to Satisfy the Fed’s “Boiler-Plate” Language…

In the angst over the two or three loud-mouths who shut down the Executive Council meeting at Saint Anselm College on Wednesday, we should not overlook the real issue underlying the emotion.  Just as the Biblical figure Esau traded his sacred birthright for a bowl of stew, so too was the State of New Hampshire … Read more

Sun King Sununu

NeverTrump Frustration With Sununu Boils Over

The NeverTrump website NHJournal (hereinafter NeverTrumpJournal) has lost patience with Sununu:

Oil rig sunset

The State of Vermont is Suing Four Major Oil Companies ‘cuz Climate Change

The Land of Bernie Sanders must have too much time on its hands. It has decided to sue four major oil companies. The state is alleging that “they misled the public about the impact their products have on climate change.”

SAU16 Exeter coop

DIE-J Snake Oil Tsunami Strikes Exeter’s School District: The Search for Cognitive Survivors On-going!

At the “Learning about DIE-J” [Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Justice] forum in Exeter last week, just after the audience was warned that the police were standing by for anyone shouting for sanity, the Tsunami’s propaganda wave suddenly struck.