Planet-of-the-humans Jeff Gibbs

Planet of the Humans: The Greed New Deal

Michael Moore is no darling of right-wing or conservative politics. In fact, he’s likely among the most despised for his persistent attacks on conservatives from his mostly far-Left stances. Which is why it was pleasantly surprising to see him as the executive producer of a documentary that takes a hard look at the illusion of … Read more

JohnnyB headshot

This Week In Fake Knews: 8-29-22

Science Retires In a somewhat shocking announcement, Science has retired from public service. After several years of receiving harsh criticism and being hard to follow, Science has decided it’s had enough in serving the public. Fans of Science are shocked with many turning to chemistry to cope while others are putting their faith in quasi-scientific … Read more

Walking road green energy commuting

Reminder: We Don’t Have What it Takes to ‘Go Green’

The Left’s all-in or nothing attitude about net-zero is one of their more disingenuous screeds. They’re ranting like lunatics and making more promises than a used Electric Vehicle car salesman with no car to sell you. IN other words, what they say, can’t be done.

Pills capsuls cure disease original image by phoenixwil pixaby

I Want A New Drug

To the sober observer, it appears we have crossed over the pharmacological Rubicon where dealing in drugs, once the practice of the dark artists found in alleyways, college campuses, covens, and secret temples, is now so profitable it makes the GDP of a third world country seem like a weekend allowance.

Floating Wind farm

‘Green Leap Forward’

In the book Mao’s Great Famine, author Frank Dikötter describes in vivid detail the period between 1958 and 1962 where an estimated 45 million Chinese people were worked, starved, or beaten to death in a mad rush to overtake the Western world as measured by agricultural and industrial outputs.


SDGANH – December 2020 Newsletter

Giving voters a voice by empowering elected school district officials to reclaim control over budgets and curriculum.   — Upcoming SDGA events — How to Make a Right to Know Request The President of Right to Know NH, David Saad, will conduct a webinar for the SDGA on how to make an effective Right to … Read more

Biden-Bernie socialism

Is this the Face of the New Socialist?

Democrats have spent a lot of time in recent years trying to shake off the label of “socialist.” Barack Obama used to brush it aside, scoff at it.  When Joe Biden was asked about it recently, he answered more directly, boasting, “I beat the socialist…Do I look like a socialist?”

US Debt

How About a World Government with a New Currency?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said this week that Joe Biden can be manipulated. Joe Biden is already in the process of turning his political agenda hard left. And she intends to move him in a more Leftist direction. All they have to do is get him elected. Stay with me here.