Car fire original Photo by Matt Hearne on Unsplash

This Zero Emission Plan Doesn’t Zero Squat – It Offshores the Emissions to Other Countries

We are surrounded by idiots inspired by morons like those running California. Climate dolts who have embraced a chain of lies whose solution is the Climate Cult equivalent of dumping western garbage on third-world countries.

Grokified Treehugger Logo

Treehugger – We’re Ignoring China and India’s Emissions to Otherize Fossil Fuel Energy Companies

I swear these folks are getting nuttier by the day. It’s like my 6-year-old Grandson constantly repeating “I want it NOW!” over something and me going “What, here?  When it’s back home?”

Data Point – Whose Carbon Emissions are Out of Control? Not the US’s

I grow weary of the US being the world’s whipping boy for almost every evil in the world. The Eco-Socialists are always blaming us yet even as our population went from 203 million people to 327 million, our emissions stayed relatively flat. So as our population went up by 50%, per capita emissions went down. … Read more

Smokestacks exhaust emissions industry

Data Point – So, You Believe China When Xi Says Their Emissions are Going to go Down?

If you Believe China when Xi says their emissions are going to go down I’ve got bridges to sell you and places where land and water intermix (kinda smelly, though, with things there that might want to eat you).

AOC-world-end-climate 12 years

UN Report: US Cutting CO2 Emissions Without Burdensome Paris Climate Voodoo

With exceptions for the COIVID lockdown, the US has had a booming economy for several years. Even now, it outranks other western nations. We’re also a leader in fossil fuel production, GDP, and (drumroll) reducing Green House Gas Emissions. This, according to the UN, of all things.

EV Electric Vehicle Charging Station

Is Vermont’s Zero Emissions Strategy Worse for the Environment Than Doing Nothing?

Vermont Governor Phil Scott (D – Registered as a Republican) has an announcement. He is appeasing the idiot Left by “joining 15 states and the District of Columbia in a push to electrify buses and trucks.” Electric shock therapy might be better because these vehicles are worse for emissions, not better.

light-bulb-Man Head Energy Power Solutions

Great News: America Still Leads the World in (Meaningless) CO2 Emissions Reductions

The Climate Cult made CO2 a dragon to be slain. But CO2 is not a greenhouse gas. It is not a pollutant in our atmosphere. It’s plant food. If you accept that Donald Trump is your affordable energy hero. Even if you refuse to accept that, Donald Trump is still your energy emissions hero.

NH tax taxes Democrat taxes

Bill Would Create a NH Climate Division with the Power to Set a Tax on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

NH House Bill 1664, “gives the department of environmental services (NHDES) the authority to establish a climate action plan, an office of the environmental advocate, and an oversight commission on environmental services.”

pumping-gas fuel oil energy prices

This Regional Tax Scam Isn’t About Lower Emissions It is About Adding a New Revenue Stream

The Transportation Climate Initiative is a scam. Not a single supporter is advocating a massive downsizing of government to save the climate. That would have an immediate impact not to mention kick-starting every state economy. No, this is just another tax. 

Global Polution map

If Saint Greta Wants This (lowering CO2 Emissions) Done Now, She Needs to go to India and China

Grumpy Greta has been peddling her apocalyptic Muppet act in the halls of the western world. But as one historian notes, 60% of all emissions since her birth came out of China. It is by far the world’s biggest polluter, followed by India. If the planet is at a tipping point, she needs to talk … Read more


Energy Fail – California Solar Leads to Huge Spike in “Fossil Fuel Emissions”

The big news this week from the Utopia. To prevent destruction and death PG&E shut down part of the grid. Dry season. Windy days. Cutting power prevents forest fires. California Solar customers who thought they’d have power were surprised to find they don’t. Would you?

Data Point – CO2 emissions: who loves us, baby!

Certainly not the rest of the world that seemingly looks to government to solve their problems.  Here in the US, we look to ourselves and the entrepreunerial and innovative frackers that have unleashed technology to spring God’s energy gift, natural gas, to us are to be thanked – they’ve made it possible to lead the … Read more

Data Point – CO2 Emissions

What crisis? Global CO2 emissions stalled for the third year in a row From the EUROPEAN COMMISSION JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE The annual assessment of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by the JRC and the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) confirms that CO2 emissions have stalled for the third year in a row. The report provides updated results … Read more

Global CO2 Emissions and Drought in the Northeast – No Connection Whatsoever

This is a Palmer drought index graph for the Northeast United States for July from 1900 to present courtesy of the Climate Cult mother ship NOAA. The unbiased observer may become confused.  If the primary driver of Global warming (CO2) causes drought, and we are emitting more of it than ever before, why is the Northeast wetter and … Read more

Kerry admits that if the US went zero emissions NOW, it would make no difference

As the Big Government post says “Why BOTHER”?  After all, we’re only talking Trillions of dollars of other peoples’ money (er, that would be us taxpayers, and not the Secretary of State that’s boasting he’s now flown more than Million Mile Hillary).  From COP21 in Paris (the next attempt to implement Kyoto): This ought to … Read more

Data Point – US CO2 emissions down; So NOW will NH Senate President Bragdon and Majority Leader Bradley let RGGI die?

CO2 (that pollutant that really isn’t one) is supposedly going to kill us all off due to the global warming climate change it causes (even though water vapor is a much higher effect gas).  Screw that, its political existence is derived only due to its ability to generate a new revenue stream for greedy politicians … Read more

Data point – Green House Gas emissions

So, the EPA wants to effectively shut down the US economy by using regulatory means, simply because those now in charge think they will save the world on the backs of working Americans?  Once again, we see the lunacy of Progressives believing that they can make changes and have them stick.  Their fallacy, akin to … Read more

Thirty Years of carbon emissions. Just imagine…

Just imagine if these people hadn’t ruled the day thirty years ago. How much less oil would have been burned (saving it for gas) had this not happened? How much less CO2 would have been released in the air if unit 2 had been built? What if the protesters, combined with their  unexpected (and unintended) … Read more

Gas Can

Here Comes the Other Carbon Tax!

For good reason, there has been a lot of focus on the supermajority’s intention to implement a carbon tax on home heating fuels (oil, propane, kerosene, natural gas) in order to meet the greenhouse gas reduction mandates of their Global Warming Solutions Act. The big vote on the Unaffordable Heat Act is coming up right … Read more

Lithium Powered Emergency Vehicle Burns Down Fire Station

First, and more importantly, no one was injured after a fire in a fire station destroyed over 20 million Euros worth of equipment, including a dozen vehicles. The cause is known—lithium batteries connected to a charger. AN EV emergency vehicle on charge achieved thermal runaway and took out an entire fire station. Did I mention … Read more