Green Problems: How Many EVs Must You Sell to Reverse the Emissions of One EV Fire?

We have over 300 bits of content on Electric Vehicles: articles, research, graphs, sales figures, losses in an investment, and (of course) evidence that they are not just not green; they are brown. From tires to weight, construction to transportation, mining, manufacture, disposal, and how the electricity they use is generated, they are brown. Hurricane … Read more

More Energy Transition Emissions

It is no secret that EV makers have been struggling. The vehicles are expensive and unreliable—did we mention that they are expensive? Tesla has managed to maintain its edge and market share, but given all the space required for solar, there is only so much room in the world for these lawn ornaments. Saturation was … Read more

Big Tech Conundrum: It Can’t Have A.I. and Reduce “Emissions” – Whatever Will It Do?

Artificial Intelligence is all the rage, but its pursuit—and that of profits—has created a problem. You don’t birth digital consciousness out of nothing. Even the most basic AI requires a lot of electricity, and the more powerful the system is, the more users call upon it and the more significant the “emissions” needed to keep … Read more

Vermont’s Dumb (and Unconstitutional) Bill to Fine Big Oil for “Emissions”

The confidence artists doing business as Vermont’s Democratic majority legislature have crafted a bill it thinks will make Big Oil pay for environmental damage which it claims is the result of years of detrimental emissions.

Green Revolution: A Wealth Transfer from Poor to Rich That Doesn’t Reduce Emissions*

You don’t need liberty-aligned bloggers to tell you that the renewable energy scheme is an expensive scam. The state laboratory of California is doing a fine job of that. It is the movement’s mentor and demon poster child for failure.

Reminder: The Jet Stream IS Messed Up But Your “Emissions” Have Nothing to do With That

An increasing number of reports have emerged about the jet stream becoming unstable. Regular readers already know why that is and that it has nothing to do with human emissions. That’s not stopping the Climate Cult from emitting excessive amounts of fraud about the cause.

float dessert glas drinking straw Image by Daniel Mena from Pixabay

Paper Straws Require More Energy and Carbon Emissions to Make Than Plastic and …

I’ve been doing some day trips that land me in or near Portsmouth, New Hampshire’s mecca for poorly thought-out anti-plastic policy. From ‘shopping bags‘ to paperboard containers, their war on plastic is relentless, even when those replacements are worse for the environment.

America Is Asking China to Tackle their Climate Change Emissions.

Beijing has told our leadership: Nope, we don’t want to. But thanks for asking. Our Climate Envoy, John Kerry, arrived in China last Sunday.  The purpose of his trip is to ask China to redouble its efforts on climate change emissions.

E scooter on fire - image from Twitter

Shouldn’t We Talk About Lithium Battery Fire Emissions?

Lithium batteries are dangerous. If you don’t believe me take a hazmat certification course to ship them anywhere. It’s a big deal. Lots of rules. They can’t be fully charged. Very specific packaging requirements.


Emissions Update: Rice Is Wrecking The Planet

The list of things that are bad for the planet is a lot shorter than people have been led to believe. In truth it consists of Marie-Antoinette-like globalists and the political muppets who use your money to fund their destructive agenda. Wait, no. It’s not. It’s rice!


Poseidon is Laughing at Your Puny Emissions

Manhattan is not underwater, Florida and its Keys look the same, the Maldives have changed (they added more oceanside hotels), and your paltry emissions aren’t going to change that. The Earth is far more complex than the political scientists milking you on its behalf.

climate change truth

New Research: If You Are Serious About Reducing Emissions You Need To Start with the 1%

During the Obama Era (early years), the idea of the one-percenter took hold. We can thank the Marxist Occupy Wall Street movement for making it stick. But if we are the 99%, and pretend to care about “emissions” and the Climate, it might be time to occupy some brain cells.

Candlelight candle flame Photo by Jarl Schmidt on Unsplash

Math is Hard But Net Zero Emissions Math is Harder – It Can’t Be Done by 2050

There are few, if any, facets of the Climate Cult mythology we’ve not debunked. It’s fun and easy, but one of the latest lies is that the government can get us to Net Zero carbon emissions. We’ve covered some of that too, but what I’m about to share should end all debate. It can’t be … Read more

Grokified Treehugger Logo

DISQUS Doodlings – Treehugger’s 5 Items per Year Clothing Ration … To Fight CO2 Emissions

Every time I think that they can’t get more fixated, they push my expectations to new lows. As in, “you WILL have a diminished standard of living, and you WILL be happy about it because you are saving the planet.”

poop emoji

Zero Emissions: Pretend Locally, Emit Globally

The American Left’s zero emissions climate goals are not much different than shipping all your plastic garbage to Asia. We do it and pretend it’s recycling, then try to ban straws or bags here when they throw them in the ocean. It’s offshoring, and with Electric vehicles, we are just offshoring emissions, but it’s worse.

Data Point – US Already the Leading Nation, by a Factor of 5, in Reducing CO2 Emissions

So why all the sackcloth and ashes by the Left for the simple decision by the Supreme Court that the EPA doesn’t currently have the Power to kill off our fossil fuel industry? THAT is supposed to only be done by our elected representatives and not by a bunch of ideologically crazed Obama retread Greenie … Read more

US Supreme Court 2021-2022 Image from SCOTUS about page

Notable Quote – See, SCOTUS Was Right in Its Beatdown on the EPA and CO2 Emissions!

I found this back on April 1 but it is no April Fool’s Day joke – it is serious stuff and shows that yesterday’s SCOTUS decision (on which I’ll have more to say later) was correct as we on the Right have been watching the rise of The Administrative State.

EPA logo

Breaking: EPA’s Own “Emanations and Penumbras” Emissions Got Shut Down by a Higher Power – SCOTUS

Big news and AS BIG as the earlier three Biggie Decisions (abortion, Second Amendment, religious liberty).  This has HUGE ramifications for unelected, unaccountable, and unassailable faceless bureaucrats that believe that THEY are the lawmakers in our Republic.

Fire flames image credit Unsplash

Emissions Alert – Climate Change Activist Sets Himself on Fire to … Save the Planet

On earth day, a climate activist chose death by immolation to protest the “problem” of climate change. That is incredibly tragic because man-made climate change is the Easter Bunny. It’s not real.

Crosswalk sign stop zero original Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

Net-Zero Refers to Their Plans for Your Lifestyle, not Carbon Emissions

Big Green is a lumbering hulk whose only quality is its size and momentum. Nothing else about it makes any sense. The only thing green about it is the money printed to fund it. And it won’t make life better for anyone but a few elites who advocate for it.