This Regional Tax Scam Isn’t About Lower Emissions It is About Adding a New Revenue Stream

Steve MacDonald

The Transportation Climate Initiative is a scam. Not a single supporter is advocating a massive downsizing of government to save the climate. That would have an immediate impact not to mention kick-starting every state economy. No, this is just another tax. 

Related: NH “Business Mag” Pimps Heat Wave Propaganda to Sell a Regional Gas Tax Scheme.

But this isn’t just any tax.

The Transportation Climate Initiative allows a thin majority of politicians to cast a one-time vote to allow unelected bureaucrats to tax you for them. Forever. And if it becomes law and we join, the tax will be up to someone else. ‘Experts’ who will tax you but whom you cannot remove from their positions.

A tax that Massachusetts is going to use to reduce, nothing. They claim they are interested in lowering emissions but the truth is that they need a new revenue stream to repair roads and bridges or something. Not to reduce high taxes already collected pay for those things, but more money because they can’t manage the budget or the spending to get the work done.

Unions, corruption, administrative overhead, incompetence, you name it. The government makes it all more expensive than it needs to be but if they can scare you into thinking the world will end, you might just fall for it.

Easy money. And no electoral accountability. Ever. Getting out of these agreements is notoriously difficult, nearly impossible. Once you allow politicians to hand taxing power over to unelected bureaucrats, there is no incentive to stop taxing you more. And we don’t even need it to achieve the stated goals – which are BS, anyway.

So, if you (still) feel certain the need to buy into this, just make sure you ask them to kiss you first.

| StarTribune


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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