So, how has Berni-Bro-ette NH State Rep Jan Schmidt voted lately?

And I’m pointing her out as she is a sponsor of HB1159 which is meant to shut GraniteGrok simply because we: Disagree with her politically, triggering her inner “Cancel Movement” Keep putting up her voting record, triggering her “How DARE YOU!” Always publishing what she says and does, triggering her violent Berni-bro ness (such as … Read more


This should give NH State Rep Jan Schmidt and the other HB1159 Sponsors the Sads.

Bring in the Psych guys with meds as nothing will never be as soul-crushing to a Bernie-Bro Socialist as being told you are second rate – behind Trump Supporters. After all, according to the Left, we’re nothing but redneck, illiterate, rube knuckledraggers (Southern accent not essential but preferred).

Jan Schmidt Bernie Bus

NH House Rep Jan Schmidt Mocks Natural Rights

Nashua resident Beth Scaer pleaded with Schmidt in the Nashua Politics group on Facebook to end her assault on the First Amendment by withdrawing her bill HB 1159, a bill which would silence political dissent.  “Jan, how about you stop trying to take away our God-given and Constitutionally-protected rights?” she asked.

Nashua Democrat Rep. Jan Schmidt – “Grok Hates Women”

According to Nashua, Alderman (and NH State Rep), Jan Schmidt ‘Grok Hates Women – with a passion. Especially if they speak up.’ That might be news to Kimberly Morin, Susan Olsen, Michelle Levell, Ann Marie Banfield, Ellen Kolb, Judy Aron. Wait, I’m not done.

NH State Rep Jan Schmidt – the mind logic of a Socialist? “Extortion”?

“Extortion?” To recap: Some started up a Facebook page consisting of just quoting Nashua Alderman and NH State Rep Jan Schmidt’s own words NH State Rep Jan Schmidt’s daughter, Heather Day, issues what seemed to be a threat against the admin of the “Musings of Alderman Jan” simply for quoting her mother’s words Grokster Kimberly … Read more

So About That DEMAND NH State Rep Jan Schmidt Issued?

The DEMAND was that we take down the image of her daughter who had threatened a Conservative on Facebook (and either Facebook agreed and took it down or was deleted as it did seem like an imminent threat – as in END THIS WOMAN”):

NH Dem Rep Jan Schmidt’s Family Threatens a Nashua Resident and Doxxing

Over the weekend, as previously reported, a Nashua activist created a Facebook page that is devoted to sharing the public commentary and actions of Nashua Alderwoman and New Hampshire State Representative, Jan Schmidt. Schmidt is an elected official who apparently doesn’t like anyone to hold her accountable for her words or actions. New Hampshire Democrats … Read more

Jan Schmidt – if it wasn’t for double standards towards women…

This saga never seems to end – I had put up a screenshot of where Nashua’s Jan Schmidt (and NH State Rep as well as Nashua Alderman) is attempting to, true to Democrat identity politics, turn herself into a victim.  It really is what they do (standard M.O.?) – from the Democrat Prez Wannabees to … Read more