Jan Schmidt – if it wasn’t for double standards towards women…

by Skip

This saga never seems to end – I had put up a screenshot of where Nashua’s Jan Schmidt (and NH State Rep as well as Nashua Alderman) is attempting to, true to Democrat identity politics, turn herself into a victim.  It really is what they do (standard M.O.?) – from the Democrat Prez Wannabees to the lowest of elected officials on the Left of Center, they almost always want to make their tribulations somebody else’s fault.  That their actions have no basis in reality (even as they are real) and nothing is their fault.  EVAH!  And in today’s Democrat environment, at the first sight of having done something politically stupid, they play that Victim Card (here). Self-responsibility, acknowledgement of their own actions? Naw, just puppet-on-the-string reactions – someone else is always pulling that set of strings.

The problem with that, however, is that while Jan is trying to blame me for her lying, and thus making her a victim due to “Man bad, Woman always Good” Card, she failed to stop a different man from verbally assaulting a woman.  From what I read here, she was silent – and not defending that Sister from another “Man bad”:

So, because she was holding a sign for Kevin Avard at the polls, Jan Schmidt’s husband blew his verbal stack (who had also served in the NH House at the same time as Jan Schmidt SIMPLY because of that?  Or was it a double mortal sign as she was also a NH State Rep – but a Republican? So while her husband was losing his mind through his lips, did Jan make any attempt to silence REAL hate speech (and aren’t we, according to Progressive dogma, #BelieveAllWomen)?  Did she even think to extend a “professional courtesy” to her fellow Legislator even if she was from the political “wrong side of the tracks” (from Schmidt’s perspective) and try to mitigate the harm and atmosphere? Did she see another woman in distress and try to run to her aid?

Apparently not BECAUSE Rice is from the other Party.  Again, hauling out that old troupe: “Conservatives think Progressives are misguided; Progressives know that Conservatives are EVIL”.  Thus, as the song goes “The beat goes on, the beat goes on….La de da de de, la de da de da”.  And the beat down never changes, either. Ask Sarah Sanders or Elaine Chow, for two recent episodes of Party hatred. The Progressives are all about the Womens March against men and toxic masculinity and all those other things – so what did Jan Schmidt do in the face of said toxicity?


So while Jan Schmidt is trying to make people believe that she’s a victim of “The Patriarchy” (they keep saying that phrase but never seem to define it other than “All Man bad!”) simply because ACCOUNTABILITY by GraniteGrok, she apparently stood there like a HandMaid’s Tale maiden (bad dystopian sci-fi, btw) while her husband was verbally abusing another woman?

Shouldn’t she had come to Rice’s rescue?  Or urged her husband to tone it down?  Or grab his hand and pull him away to calm him down off that ledge?  Again, apparently not because SHAM.

Can’t say we’ve haven’t seen this scene before – the news is replete with Leftist Women failing to support their “sisters” simply for holding a different political view.  So much for all that “Sisterhood” pablum, eh Jan?  Not once does this account acknowledge Jan trying to stop that verbal assault.  “Silence is complicity” is that Progressive phrase – guess karma goes around.

We at GraniteGrok (frankly, me) have not screamed, yelled, or upscaled anything to a level of “intimidation” unless one believes that observing what wrong thing someone else has done and is now trying to hold them to account for it is “intimidation”.  Yet again, another “redefinition in front of our eyes” is happening (like US Senator Maggie “The Red” Hassan is trying to redefine, again, the word “access” in relation to, well, anything to mean “Free for me and you pay for me!” but that’s another post in the waiting).

And for those few coming over from the FB Nashua Politics page who are complaining about the fact that we are pointing out Democrat Jan Schmidt’s actions, this is FACT + opining; nothing more but nothing less. Just figure I let you know.  It’s what we do.


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