The ‘Grok interviews Bill O’Brien – Part 2

This is Part 2 of GraniteGrok’s interview with Bill O’Brien who is running for Speaker of the NH House of Representatives from the "Liberty and Freedom" wing of the NH GOP. Question asked: The Democrats claim a $63 million surplus; Republicans say up to an $800 million deficit – who is right?  And if there … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

Night Cap: How Did the U.S. Government Become So Big?

How big is the federal government? Two measures are the number of civilian employees (nearly two million) and the number of agencies (now exceeding 440). These numbers barely hint at their massive meddling into business activities and the personal lives of Americans.

Lying dictionary definition

Fact Checkin’ Lyin’ Joe Biden’

Only someone with a severe credibility issue must inject phrases into their talks to assure you they are telling the truth. I listened to a few minutes of the President’s speech in Chicago on Wednesday, and he used the term “I give you my word” and “I’m not lying” at least five times in the … Read more

In Joyce Craig’s NH, “COVID Relief” = Men as Tawdry Caricatures of “Women” Performing for High School Kids

Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig is a trainwreck for a leader, but she’s decided this qualifies her to run for governor, so she’s doing that. She’s also allegedly a woman, which no one can prove because no one is allowed to say what one is, except perhaps drag queens.

American Federalism

American Federalism Put to the Test

We are about to find out whether American federalism is being put to the test or put to the sword. Illinois Democrats passed a state budget over the weekend.  It kind of makes you wonder why New Hampshire’s legislature is still flubbing around.


Budget Compromise Reached – Will It Pass?

The budget showdown appears to be over, with a compromise reached between Governor Sununu, the Democrat majorities, and Republican leadership.  For months now the State has operated under a continuing resolution passed in late June, but when legislators meet tomorrow at 1pm in both the House and Senate the State could be one step further … Read more

Bill O'Brien American Flag

Tuesday, July 23rd, Former Speaker of the NH House Bill O’Brien announcement about a US Senate run

A stronger voice who will put people before Washington. WHAT: for a RALLY and major announcement. Where: AMERICAN LEGION, Sweeney Post                  251 Maple St in Manchester, NH Help send a message that we need a stronger voice who will put people before Washington. And spread the word: … Read more

The Real Reason The Left Wants to Raise Taxes on “the Rich”

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (“AOC”) recently proposed raising the top marginal income tax rate to 70 percent to pay for her “Green New Deal.” This rate would apply to income over $10 million. So how much would AOC’s new tax bracket raise? According to the Washington Post, at the most $72 billion a year. To … Read more

Quick Thought on Steve’s post: One of Life’s Certainties – New Hampshire Democrats Raise Taxes

Here. It’s what Democrats do.  Let me remind you of what they did before: they created an $800 million hole in the NH State budget.  They spent everything they could – and then more.  You see, Democrats are: They believe in Government directed EVERYTHING – every aspect of our lives.  That takes a lot of … Read more

Chris Sununu celebrates

Nashua Telegraph Disses Dem. Molly Kelly, Endorses Chris Sununu for Governor

I have to admit, I am surprised to see the Nashua Telegraph, a reliable left-leaning newspaper, abandon Democrat candidate Molly Kelly for Republican Governor Sununu. But according to this email I just got, they did. Telegraph Endorses Sununu New Hampshire is better off than it was two years ago. Some may even say the Granite … Read more

Democrat Lawmaker Created Intimidating and Abusive Environment

The New Hampshire House recently releases some documents in which was a redacted complaint filed earlier this year by a NH House staffer. The staffer alleges that a particular New Hampshire House Rep. “made frequent derogatory comments to or about the employee, and engaged in “a long pattern of behavior” that created a “hostile work … Read more

Who Covered NHGOP Call for NH Dems to Denounce Stevens 2A Ban?

If you didn’t get the email and you didn’t read it here, you might not know about it. About what? A State GOP email blast with a video asking New Hampshire’s Congressional delegation to denounce the idea of Repealing the Second Amendment. Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens posited the idea in a New … Read more

Connecticut’s Dannel Malloy Sings Progressive Siren Call That NH Democrats Should Answer

I’d bet someone else’s money that New Hampshire Democrats are jealous of Connecticut and Dannel Malloy. Since 2011 he’s raised taxes at least three times, and instead of balancing the budget with those taxes he overspent each time creating a new deficit requiring more tax increases. If we jumped in our way-back machine to the mid-to-late … Read more

March Madness Reminder: Back in 2010 NH Democrats Tried To Fund-Raise off ‘The Extreme 16’

This year’s March Madness is coming to a close without the fawning media coverage of Barack Obama’s brackets. But the theme of brackets reminds me that back in October of 2010 Mary Jane Wellner and Marjorie Smith of the Committee to elect House Democrats tried to fundraise on some brackets of their own. They called … Read more

ObamaCare ‘Repeal’ Myths

Investors Business Daily. Democrats say repealing ObamaCare will strip millions of Americans of insurance, leave people with pre-existing medical conditions unable to find coverage, increase the budget deficit, and be a political nightmare for Republicans.

Donald Trump’s Economic Speech Transcript follows…

NH Democrat Cindy Rosenwald Puts The Empty in Empathy

Democrat Cindy Rosnwald made an “interesting” observation on twitter yesterday afternoon. She would like everyone to know that Finance Committee Republicans “cut $2 million from community health centers.” Before we get to Senator Andy Sanborn’s very relevant follow-up question to New Hampshire Democrat Cindy Rosenwald (also via twitter), let me first remind you what kind … Read more

Teri Norelli’s Proudest Moment – Stranding NH Taxpayers With Massive Unfunded Entitlement

Soon to be former NH House Speaker Teri Norelli’s (D- Taxenspend) greatest achievement could have been leaving New Hampshire with an $800 million dollar structural deficit.  It was a huge hole, intentionally created with irresponsible spending, budgetary gymnastics (fraud), and one-time money, meant to force consideration of a broad based tax.  But the Republican majority … Read more

All The News Thats…

Right out of the liberal playbook there appears the tired old news collaboration we have seen in this small state so often. State Representative Bill O’Brien, a Republican thorn in the side of tax and spenders from both parties for a decade or more, has been elected Speaker of the House once again. And within … Read more