Friday Meme Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, the Monday Edition.  Don’t forget Steve’s nobly carrying Wednesday, and again, thank you for that Steve!  B”H I land a job soon, and can turn my attention back to that rather than hours and hours and hours of applying, networking, etc.

My last non-meme post:

The Kano Model of Civilization


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***









There are those who still think he’s doing a fine job.  FFS.




Two opposing things cannot be true simultaneously.




Do it.  DO IT!

No, I don’t like it, but they opened the door and if we’re “too noble” to walk through it, we’re ceding the field again.  This is a no-holds-barred bar brawl for the future of humanity and liberty – globally.  If we don’t get that, and aren’t willing to fight for it including holding these SOBs accountable, then may Hashem curse us for eternity for our cowardice.  Not just our cowardice for ourselves, but the betrayal of our posterity.




Conspiring to evade FOIA requests.  Isn’t that a felony?



My thought: “I like President Biden; I think he’s compassionate and doing a great job”!




Every time I went to Israel, I was struck by how green it really is – especially in comparison to many of the surrounding countries.  Last time we were there we planted some carob tree saplings.  Really rocky soil, but apparently they have this drip-irrigation system that puts water drops right at the roots so the trees have earth (even if with a lot of rock) and a steady stream of water to get going.






A little stale, and I may have mentioned it before… but imagine if they did this somehow?  If that happens, I think it’s time:



The above cartoon debuted here – some preamble essay.






That’s SLOWLY SLOWLY.  The analogy of the frog in the pot.  People don’t notice slow changes.







Something changed.  I wonder what it could be.  Remember that the Jabs started a year-or-so after Covid was announced.




But… but… but we’ve been assured by our intellectual and moral superiors that the Great Replacement is a myth.



A failure of the daughter, to be sure… but also the parents.  I would be hard-pressed to wrap my mind around my daughter, once she grows up fully, doing this.

On a business trip oh, perhaps, 15 years ago I found myself sitting next to a woman who was a phone sex operator.  She freely admitted that she made north of 150K per year from talking dirty to men on the phone.  Holy carp!  But I wonder if she told her parents…

Speaking of women in today’s modern culture:



Real wife material women, there.  No matter how good / rich / etc. the man is, they’ll be combing through their memory and comparing the man to others, whether in hook-ups or dating, and entitled enough to think that if they just keep looking, they’ll find someone who maxes out on all their categories.  Comparing ability in bed, comparing wealth, comparing comparing comparing… and addicted to the rush of the thrill of the new that comes with so many different partners.









The issue is not that corrupt people do with corrupt things.  That’s a given.  No, the issue that highlights the systemic, even societal corruption is that so many gloss over it as nothing to be worried about.  Examples of that corruption:

FBI knew since 2016 Hunter Biden’s team nearly scored $120 million Ukrainian deal while Joe was VP | Just The News

Smoking Gun Email: Burisma Owner Demanded Devon Archer Ask US Government to Stop Probe of Burisma – So Joe Biden Forced Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

Secret Service Destroyed Video of Biden’s Dog Commander Biting Agent in Brutal Attack That Drew Blood | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

The entire system is rotten to the core.  Ethics and honor and loyalty to country are gone.  The fish is rotting from the head.  Hard times imminent.











In their own words.  And in their own words they talk about conquering the West and then the world.  Have the moral courage to take them at their word.













That’s an interesting cycle which, now that I’ve ready it, makes sense in terms of what’s observed.



Related is this, from when Israel was reborn:



Arabs invading… where again?



I’ve asked at the grocery store about this crap.  Apparently virtually nobody buys it.  And ok, ok, I used to like Morning Star Farms soy sausage… was actually looking for them the other day as a nostalgia treat… but this is a step past that.




The average voter will, I fear, still say “I trust CNN”, etc.





My direct male-line ancestor was with Washington crossing the Delaware.





The more I learn about this, the more I’m thinking that gallows are not enough.



There’s a woman I know (well, virtually know), had multiple partners, and is still active in the casual-contact *ahem* department, who doesn’t insist her partner use a condom but expects him to pull out.  FFS.

And there’s the STD issue as well.






This is an idea that, hopefully, goes viral.




Link and news section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):

Massachusetts House Unanimously Passes Bill to Allow Women to Sell Their Babies to Highest Bidder | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald

An anti-slavery state, now pro-slavery.  And not just slavery, but slavery of the most innocent.

Economy Watch

Biden’s $145B in student debt relief is the largest factor contributing to 27% jump in federal budget deficit | Not the Bee

Are USTs becoming worthless? | NC Renegades

Enslaved by Debt | NC Renegades

US economy circling the debt black hole.

The System Is Coming Apart | Gregory Mannarino (

Video, 41 minutes.

Porn Advocates Sue Indiana AG Over Law Shielding Minors (

If you’re not after children, why would you object to this bill?  Simple question.

World War 3 Watch (and national security in general)

How Chinese Ownership Of U.S. Land Threatens National Security (

I would, actually, favor making all ownership of US land by foreign entities – at the least – very difficult to get.

Israel Believed To Be Modernizing Its Nuclear Arsenal – Report – I24NEWS

Sweden opens doors to possible US nukes deployment — RT World News

Poland publicly calling for the breakup of Russia into smaller countries…This could start WW3 | NC Renegades

India expanding nuclear arsenal with an eye on China – report — RT India

Western property could be seized – Moscow — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Tit for tat – and this will, I fear, blunder our way into WW3.  As if there aren’t forces driving us into it.

The Psychopathy of the Left: Know thy Enemy – American Thinker

And my take on the psychology of the Left from some years ago:

The Right Way: The Leftist Sense of Self (

Awkward Chat With Your Doctor Could Save Thousands Of Dollars (

Being insulated from the cost gets people to not think about costs.  And the necessity of liability base-covering by medical providers also factors in.  Plus, as discussed in the last meme post in the LINKS section, the profiteering by hospitals and the medical industrial complex frightens enormously.

If you think that nothing like the CovidScam could ever happen again, let me disabuse you of that misconception… | Barnhardt

They’ll try it again.

Bird flu shows world not ready for future pandemics: report – Insider Paper

Of course not.  Which means… VACCINES to the rescue.

The Size Of Planned Parenthood’s Global Murder Campaign Will Shock You (

Death machine.  Industry of death.

How Bad is Biden’s ‘Extreme Pressure’ on Israel? (

Very bad.  And if someone attempted to do that to the US, we’d – rightfully – scream.  Double standard.

How Bad is Biden’s ‘Extreme Pressure’ on Israel? (

The Left hates hates hates Israel.

Remember what I keep saying, though: Israel, and any other nation dependent on the US, needs to wean itself off that aid.

Head of Chicago Teachers Union Tells Radio Host Conservatives Do Not Want Black Children to Read, It’s “Part of the Oath They Take to be Right Wing” | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

The absolute irony of this – it is the LEFT that doesn’t want to educate blacks and other minorities.  For example, I’ve watched several of these “reaction” videos of black people seeing a discussion of Thomas Sowell’s writings on slavery.

sowell slavery reaction – YouTube

Remember, control the information flow, control what people believe.  Also, addict people to “free” money and you create lever pullers.



On the topic of controlling the information flow:

‘This is scary’: Biden’s FCC helps major Dem donor George Soros ‘fast-track’ takeover of massive radio network: report | The Post Millennial |

Connecticut Bar Association Warns Lawyers that Dissenting Opinions on the Trump Bragg Lawfare Suit Will Not Be Tolerated (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Critics of the Trump verdict served notice that their opinions will not be tolerated.  Speaking of dissenting opinions:

The Department of Justice Is Targeting The Gateway Pundit in Their Hopes to Ruin Us- Secretly Injected Itself in Chapter 11 Case – Why? | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Increased Psychiatric Disorders Following COVID Jab: Nature’s ‘Molecular Psychiatry’ Journal (

It appears to have the potential to disrupt everything.

FREEZE! Mainstream Media Insists You Not Believe Your Eyes (

Remember, from Orwell’s 1984, that the party insisted you ignore your eyes?

GERMAN establishment wants to ban conservative populist AfD (Alternative for Germany) party (

Globalist solution to uppity voters?  Ban the party the voters want.

TOUGH LOVE! How Greece deals with its massive illegal alien Muslim invader problem (

Repel invaders.  Sharks have to eat too.

And you got it wrong again. – Gun Free Zone

Gun deaths and liberal errors.

Even Hispanic Voters Have Had Enough of Illegal Immigration – PJ Media

Good news for Trump.

Rep. Massie wants list of lawmakers who benefited from taxpayer-funded hush money payments exposed, using Bragg’s novel legal theory | Law Enforcement Today |

They have unleashed the whirlwind.  I was just telling my kids about the (I think) Eisenhower quote:

Imagine the political power you seek in the hands of your opponents.

Knuckledraggin My Life Away : We knew this was coming (

Interesting speculation.  And if this happens, expect a lot of libs to be salivating at the chance to “right the ‘wrong’ of 2016”.

Simpsonwood Documents • Children’s Health Defense (

Link to PDF embedded.  I have not read the PDF but if I understand correctly, this is the emergency conference in which they realized there was an “ironclad” (from RFK Jr describing it) link between vaccines and autism… and then ignored it to press forward with more vaccines.  And now a stream of related memes.

From here:

Hep B is a mandated childhood vaccine. Despite it not being a threat to children (bloodborne illness, typically transmitted by sex workers or drug users), not dangerous for children (“recover completely and do not develop chronic infection”), and was not adequately tested on babies (which is when it is typically administered).

Why is it that all mandated childhood vaccines follow the same formula: inadequately tested and administered for a disease that is not dangerous? Could it be because it’s about profit and not public health?



And then from their next post:

Tetanus: another vaccine that is inadequately safety tested. And this one doesn’t stop transmission NOR DOES IT CREATE ANY IMMUNITY TO TETANUS.

Why would this be mandated for all NH school children?










Pick of the Post:


Just past “Juneteenth”:






Fricassee, traitors.  They did, and they are… for eternity, I hope.




Palate Cleansers:







TGIF.  I’ll show myself out…




And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Show some financial love to the Grok!





Show why you own guns! They’re TYRANT VACCINE. Bumper Sticker | Zazzle

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