Democrat Myth that the 800 Million Dollar Deficit Never Existed – Revisited

I guess Nashua Democrat Cindy Rosenwald’s Great White Whale still haunts her. On Feb 6th, 2015, Cindy wrote a letter to the Rosenwald-friendly Nashua Telegraph outlining how there never was an $800 Million dollar deficit left by NH Democrats. Republicans made it up.

NH Democrat Face Plant – The 800 Million Dollar Deficit

Yes, this is going to keep coming up.  All the way to November. (excerpt on the jump)

Democrat NH House Rep Cindy Rosenwald – About That 800 Million Dollar Deficit

We should expect more of this in the coming months.  More of what?  NH House Democrats pretending there never was an 800 million dollar deficit when they were shown the door in droves.  An example of this deficit-narrative popped up on Bedford Patch yesterday.  Nashua Democrat House Rep Cindy Rosenwald (Fiance Committee) penned an op/ed … Read more

Elections Have Consequences Like That 942 Million Dollar State Deficit

Here at the ‘Grok, we’ve had the good misfortune of watching how Democrats create the need for new taxes in real time. This is important. Dems will run on a platform with no tax hikes or new taxes if they must, but these promises are empty. Once in charge, the first order of business is … Read more

Money down the toilet

School District Overspent – Has $800,000 Deficit (Still Can’t Teach Kids to Read at Grade level)

A local New Hampshire Public School system has a problem—they all have issues—but this one is $800,000 over budget. The not-so-superintendent, William Rearick, says revenue projections were inaccurate, and now the School Board is drafting a list of things the district will have to do without.

Treating Disease as a War

“…$30 million dollars per person that died of covid-19…”

A little context from Facebook (emphasis mine, reformatted): I don’t want to sound insensitive but with 2 trillion more in spending covering what was never really a national threat it’s going to cost 30 million dollars per person that died of covid-19 just in federal deficit spending. Has not anyone noticed we were not really … Read more

About those millions “LOSING” their Obamacare insurance coverage

I’ve been listening to a lot of nonsense about the impact of the different GOP “replacement” plans for Obamacare and the numbers just didn’t make any sense. After all, none of them drastically did much on the core structure of Obamacare.  They deleted most (but not all of the taxes).  They started to tinker with … Read more

Ray Buckly Budget Genius- Only Off by $80 Million

Just last week wasn’t New Hampshire Democrat Chair Ray Buckley quoted in a local paper as saying something about what New Hampshire residents were really interested in… like how the ‘Republican Budget’ was coming in short around 30-40 million or something? Today! (scraped off facebook) Kevin Landrigan NH finishes state fiscal year with $39.6 mil … Read more

Deficit – What Deficit?

The party that is bringing civility ( see here, here, here, here, here, here (sigh) here, here, a big one right here,…) ran on the idea that the New Hampshire Republican House and Senate was leaving New Hampshire with a deficit, a presumption only “slightly” less dishonest than the notion that Democrats are civil, or half as … Read more

The Nashua Telegraph Has An Integrity Deficit

“There is hardly any mental misery worse than that of having our own serious phrases, our own rooted beliefs, caricatured by a charlatan or a hireling.” —George Eliot Two days ago, the Nashua Telegraph wrote an Editorial asking, “Why does the NRA fear truth about guns?” Upon carefully reading the article and researching the sources (or … Read more

Judd Gregg and Obama

Judd Gregg Pops Off

Judd Gregg (d) Florida, is a contributing writer for The Hill: The Kamala threat — the Californiaization of America. For those of you who do not remember Judd, well, he is the primary cause of same-day voter fraud in our state.

Heh! Ray Buckley is having an apoplectic fit that Bill O’Brien is running against Jeanne Shaheen

Funny, though – he couldn’t come up with a better “far-right extremist” description?  Hey Don Bolduc hasn’t served a day as an elected official but Buckley and his cohort used the exact same wording.  If I didn’t know any better, I’d that that ANY Republican is just that….oh wait! Here’s his missive to his far-left … Read more

Sanders’ Campaign Fined $14,500 for Accepting Illegal In-Kind Foreign Contributions

Former NH Speaker of the House, Bill O’Brien, the gift that keeps on giving! Remember when The Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers gave Bill O’Brien the “Golden Hammer Award” for his successful effort in preventing an income tax by erasing the Democrat $800 million deficit? Kudos to Republican conservatives as well. Check out Bill O’Brien’s … Read more

Reduce the cost of doing Business in NH by Removing Regulatory Burdens.

Sunday, October 23, 2016 From the Nashua Telegraph, forwarded to me by NH Sen. Kevin Avard.   Sunday, October 23, 2016 We have focused on ways to reduce the cost of doing business in NH by removing regulatory burdens. The state budget is arguably the single most important piece of legislation that directly impacts all … Read more

NH Democrats ‘Grubering’ their supporters with lies about Bill O’Brien

Yesterday the Republican Legislators in the New Hampshire House of Representatives elected their Speaker. The election was between former Speakers Bill O’Brien and Gene Chandler. Laurie Sanborn had also been in the race but dropped out due to family health issues. This was the race in which Senator Kelly Ayotte decided to (for the first time … Read more

Why We Can’t Have A Discussion With New Hampshire Democrats

Over at my other haunt, NH Insider, my Fridge mag cross-post elicited the following response from Democrat Jim Splaine on the matter of gun ownership, which exemplifies the reason why any discussion with Democrats on any subject is unlikely. Why can’t we have a real discussion about this issue? Just like the myths of an … Read more

So, is NH GOP Platform Chair Jennifer Horn going to take the Platform towards being Democrat-lite?

The present NH GOP Platform is a rather conservative document.  When it comes to spending (something that Government does rather too well unless brakes are applied to it), it works fairly well as a philosophical foundation.  Well, the NH GOP Platorm Committee is now meeting to review the Platform and to make changes to it.  … Read more

Who I’m voting for on Tuesday in the GOP primary…and why.

Okay, let’s get one thing straight at the very outset: For us in the Live Free or Die State of New Hampshire, it is far more important what happens in and to our state, than what happens in Washington, DC. We have a chance here to resist and defeat the cancerous, corrupt political culture of … Read more

Comments on DJ Bettencourt’s Op-Ed in the UL

which laid out the Republican agenda in the NH House of Representatives.  I just read it quickly and didn’t see much of it that I could agree against.  Frankly, my issues were this: Reduce the spending as we have a $600-$800 million deficit (this week, up to a Billion). Reduce the amount and intrusiveness of … Read more

So, Mike Kitch – is the evidence starting to add up fer ya yet?

That would be Mike Kitch of the Laconia Daily Sun who took great exception to a Notable Quote I put up some time ago: "A democracy cannot survive as a permanent form of government. It can last only until its citizens discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment … Read more