In Joyce Craig’s NH, “COVID Relief” = Men as Tawdry Caricatures of “Women” Performing for High School Kids

Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig is a trainwreck for a leader, but she’s decided this qualifies her to run for governor, so she’s doing that. She’s also allegedly a woman, which no one can prove because no one is allowed to say what one is, except perhaps drag queens.

Men in heavy makeup prancing about dressed as tawdry stereotypes of women. The sort of imagery that Joyce Craig’s ideological ancestors burned their bras to end. And maybe drag queens don’t wear bras, so there’s that. But if you were from the party of women™, fighting the war on women™, claiming solidarity with something you are not permitted to define, why would you invest tax dollars in the negative stereotype as an example to high school kids?

Because it’s not your money, it’s hers, and she wants this.

The story, which has gone national, is that Manchester, New Hampshire, is hosting a Drag Queen show at a High School and paying for some of it with COVID relief money. “The city is spending $4,000 for the high school’s June 2 Pride Event, taken from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding. That includes $500 to pay drag performers to appear at the public school.”


“We are looking to get equipment that is sustainable and durable for many more Pride celebrations and activities at West to come,” Manchester West art teacher Richella Simard wrote in the grant application.


It’s Queer infrastructure spending to bigot!

Some people are outraged, and that’s as it should be, but forget the hypocrisy of a Democrat woman aiding and abetting a degenerative public perception of women by backstopping a circus sideshow. Let’s focus on the cautionary tale. Joyce Craig isn’t the first Democrat woman in New Hampshire to misuse taxpayer money, and she wants to be the governor; to follow in the political footsteps of fiscal abusers—both former governors who are now US Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan (is that Huh-SAHN, or is it Hass-in?)


While fiscally responsible Maggie Ha$$an has been in the U$ $enate, she has helped add 11.5 Trillion in new debt. …

In fewer than six years. [and] …

Since your spendaholic gal-pal, Jeanne Shaheen, was elected to the US Senate in 2008, the Deficit has risen from 10 trillion to 31 trillion, or an additional 1.5 trillion in new debt yearly [for every year she has been in Congress].


And the country is most assuredly not better for it.

They wasted it on crap that’s made America weaker and dependent. That’s the Democrat plan for everything. But New Hampshire doesn’t have a FED or a Treasury. It can’t print money to paper over generation fiscal abuse. It has to balance its budget every two years.

What it can do is waste one-time money on things they will then refuse to cut from the budget, and that’s not speculation. Before losing the 2010 elections and handing their Democrat majority over to a Republican super-majority, NH Dems created an 800 million dollar structural deficit in the state. That was on top of a budget that deliberately overestimated revenue so they could grow the government and never look back.


In 2008, when Obama was elected, his own giddy Democrat majority ordered Stimulus, parading ever larger sums of one-time Federal money to the states (to create jobs or something), which the New Hampshire Democrat majority used to expand the state budget even further.

By the end of the free ride, New Hampshire Democrats had spent themselves fiscally blind, having built up a budget that would need a lot more money in future years but with no existing revenue streams to replace it.


Republicans waltzed in on Jan 1, 2011, and cut spending, reducing the budget by nearly a billion dollars which then Dem Gov. John “Tiny Shoes” Lynch could do nothing to prevent; Republicans had veto-proof majorities. It is rare for the government to cut spending on the government. It hasn’t happened again here since, even during Republican majorities with a Republican governor. They have cut taxes, which Democrats will undo if given the opportunity.

Undo while piling on new spending for that which taxpayers should never have to fund, but we know how the scam works. Grossly overestimate revenue and spend it all. Use one-time money on what will become recurring expenses. Whine and cry about how you can’t cut what we didn’t need until you pretended we had the money, like stage shows to parade fake women in front of kids dressed as fools in party dresses.

I sure hope you plan to check their vaccine passports to make sure they are up to date. COVID relief and all that.


And for the broken record, if you want to have a princess party with private money in front of adults, have at it.


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