Nashua Telegraph Disses Dem. Molly Kelly, Endorses Chris Sununu for Governor

I have to admit, I am surprised to see the Nashua Telegraph, a reliable left-leaning newspaper, abandon Democrat candidate Molly Kelly for Republican Governor Sununu. But according to this email I just got, they did.

Telegraph Endorses Sununu

New Hampshire is better off than it was two years ago. Some may even say the Granite State is the strongest it has ever been in its 230-year history.

New Hampshire consistently has had the lowest unemployment rate this year compared to other New England states as well as being significantly less than the national average.

Earlier this year, the state was $99 million ahead and counting compared to revenue projections with a surplus of funds. This windfall then was used to provide property tax relief, with $65 million going to cities and towns for roads, bridges and safer schools. The targeted, well-planned investment of these funds maximized the positive impact for the good of all residents – not just select or partisan groups.

Gov. Chris Sununu in his State of the State address earlier this year reported, “Today in New Hampshire, businesses have lower taxes, fewer regulations, and a stronger workforce, allowing them to reinvest in their communities.”

He is correct, and the proof of the strength of his leadership is found in the numbers. That is why The Telegraph endorses Sununu in his re-election bid against Democratic Challenger Molly Kelly, a former state senator with numbers of her own.

Bill O’Brien, speaker of the House after the Republicans took control of the Legislature in 2010, wrote, “Molly Kelly and her Democrat colleagues in just four years spent the state that had always balanced budgets into almost a billion-dollar structural deficit.”

Why would anyone want to repeat that history. It’s a question our editorial board had planned to ask Kelly. However, despite three invitations, she never made herself available for such a meeting. Her silence speaks volumes, and we hope voters are listening on Election Day.

Granite Staters are politically savvy. They are engaged voters who expect answers and results. Kelly has failed with the former and has a poor track record with the latter.

Sununu, conversely, worked to strengthen the state’s economy by eliminating more than 1,600 antiquated and unnecessarily restrictive, harmful government regulations. He also lowered the state’s business profits and enterprise taxes and created the Department of Business and Economic Affairs.

Further, he seeks to keep control of key business decisions between employers and their employees, rather than mandating compensation options such as paid family medical leave. Kelly has accused Sununu of referring to such paid time off as “a vacation,” though that is not how he explained his position during The Telegraph’s editorial board meeting with him or when the two squared off at the newspaper’s recent Gateway to the Election Series, which was hosted in conjunction with the Greater Nashua Chamber of Commerce and Rivier University.

Truthfulness, accessibility, accuracy and a proven track record for improving quality of life for the state’s residents all are hallmarks of Sununu’s first two-year term at New Hampshire’s helm. There is much more to accomplish, and returning Sununu to office will keep the state on its successful course.

A few years back I wrote a number of posts called Remembering Democrat Rule. Those articles outlined years of irresponsible budgeting, tax increases, and the Democrat majority ignoring state law to ram through late-night-last minute taxes to cover excessive spending that was deliberate. They spent so they could then tax. And the did.

Before they were wiped out in the wave election of 2010 they had abused one-time money on new spending for which there was no revenue in succeding years. The result was an 800 million dollar deficit.

Republicans saved taxpayers then and over the last few years have saved them by cutting business taxes which have propelled our State economy to new highs. 

Democrats are convinced we want them to ruin that. They are running on repealing the tax cuts that have lead to record job and wage growth across the state.  So, this time around we’ve released a series of short videos featuring the destructive fiscal and social policies that almost every elected Democrat has supported. Policies that deprive you not just of your earnings but of the choices you’d make through spending and giving that would reflect the true priorities of Granite Staters.

Democrats are compelled to deny you those choices because they don’t trust you – most Americans have different spending priorities than Democrats. The solution is for Democrats to tax away your prosperity and put the money and decision making in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats in Concord or Washington DC.  The further away from you the better.

The problem with that is this leads to stagnation and economic malaise. The so-called new normal of 2% GDP growth that the Obama Administration told us was the best we could expect.

Trump and Republicans blew that fallacy out of the water with tax reform similar to the changes made in New Hampshire. Job creators are much better investors than bureaucrats and politicians. Take the regulators shackles off, let them keep more of the economic benefits of their efforts, and allow them to invest in people and local economies.

Boom! Prosperity not seen in a long time.

Molly Kelly, like all the New Hampshire Democrats, only see something government should use the law to steal for their own priorities.

I have my differences with Gov. Chis Sununu. He’s not a true Conservative. But he is prepared to defend tax cuts and an economic landscape that will allow individuals to thrive and succeed – freeing them from the shackles of welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, and the subsistence lifestyle peddled by the Left as the best for which we should hope.

The Telegraph is right. Sununu is the best choice in that race. But here’s the catch. He needs a Republican Legislature and Executive Council to make it all work. If Democrats control any of those bodies they will work to undermine any additional improvements. 

Maybe you don’t love the Republicans candidates in your district, maybe you do. Either way, you need to vote the entire Republican ticket or this exercise in prosperity could come to a halt.

Your prosperity.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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