A recap – GraniteGrok endorsement for Bill O’Brien for NH Speaker of the House

Quite some time ago, the ‘Grok endorsed Bill O’Brien for the most powerful political office in New Hampshire – Speaker of the NH House.  This is part of what we wrote at the time: …Rep. Bill O’Brien (R – Mt. Vernon), a leader of the House Republican Alliance in the NH State House. The letter … Read more

Ray Buckley’s Norman Rockwell

This morning’s Union leader has the Lasky snatch and grab photo on the front page. Elliot Lasky, (Husband of State Senator Bette Lasky) stands mid stride, stolen campaign property in hand.

And then there were four – plus one more

It looks like the race for NH Speaker for the House (pretty much, the most powerful political position in NH, outstripping that of the Governor) has just gotten more interesting.  From the NH GOP, this was incoming:  New Hampshire Republican Party Communications Director Ryan Williams released the following statement today on Terie Norelli’s (D-Portsmouth) announcement … Read more

Chicago On The Merrimack

The democrat party line on BP is to close ranks and paint Republicans as protecting big oil.  This is necessary to distract America from Obama’s incompetence and the democrat’s cozy relationship with the British energy company.  Both Carol Shea-Porter and Paul Hodes got the memo—they are on board—using tragedy for personal and political profit as … Read more

A Smudge On The “Teflon” John

Mr. Lynch also wants’ you to assure you that NOM’s out of state influence should not be taken seriously. He is just concerned about out of state money affecting local politics. But what he’d rather you not discuss is how much out of state money he’s been using for political speech to keep himself ensconced in the governor’s office up in Concord.

What?! Laying off government workers to (gasp!) save money? Don’t worry, it’s not happening here in NH…

. On Thanksgiving, we went to visit relatives in my homestate of Rhode Island, and once again, I found myself envious of something happening in the news down there when compared with my adopted every-bluer Granite State. Consider this headline from Boston.com: State workers get layoff notices amid budget cuts Can you believe this? We’re talking about RHODE ISLAND, … Read more

The Future of NH? The Taxman Cometh…

Charlie Arlinghaus of the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy has released a study on what he sees as a growing hole in the NH state budget. It is lengthy, but a good read for the long weekend. Of course, if you wish to "not worry and be happy," you’d better skip it… . Tax … Read more

President Bush slams the Dems

In this week’s radio address, President Bush discusses the passage of the outragous suplemental appropriations bill passed by Democrats over the objections of many people who believe we can win the war. He also talks about Democrat spending and looming tax increases that will result. He really slams the Dems hard in thiis one. If … Read more