Quick Thought on Steve’s post: One of Life’s Certainties – New Hampshire Democrats Raise Taxes

by Skip

Here. It’s what Democrats do.  Let me remind you of what they did before: they created an $800 million hole in the NH State budget.  They spent everything they could – and then more.  You see, Democrats are:

  • They believe in Government directed EVERYTHING – every aspect of our lives.  That takes a lot of your money to allow them to do that
  • While they are always screaming about separation of Church and State, they absolutely conflate the ideas of Government and Charity.

Why the second? they too lazy to get off their Collective butts to do the hard work of creating charities and then canvassing the public at large to fund them. Government means Ruling and Crowding out private charity. When they talk about Public / Private partnerships, you can always know who is in charge and who is about to be embraced and then absorbed (if not de jure, then de facto).  Government IS Charity and Charity means Government because ONLY from Government can good things flow, according to their actions. And once again, while they’re out putting their sense of a Collective dystopia Utopia in place, they’ll be setting the stage, once again, for broadbased taxes. Which means that…

Republicans will be forced into a tight position.  Would Jeb Bradley stand up to hold them off?  Chuck Morse?  Anyone else in the Senate? I doubt it.

How about in the House? There are several folks in mind that have the stones to roll that kind of deficit back into the Socialist hellhole that the Dems will create by overspending but I’m not sure that they could pull it off.

Which means one and only one thing – is there such an equivalent thing as the Batman signal on the clouds signaling help for:

Bill O’Brien?


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