The True Meaning Of Christmas

In our overly secularized American political system  where separation of Church from State is not just a matter of policy, it is a rabid obsession for the pro-government left wing progressives, I have devised a forward looking policy change which I believe is not just appropriate and necessary, but also ironic.

Starting in 2011, public sector workers will no longer get days off related to any religious holiday, nor will they receive any compensation for these days unless they actually work.   If as the liberals and secularists suggest, that we can’t have any God in government, then no one in government should get a paid day off as a result. 


Note: In response to a call to prohibit government workers paid days off as a result of religious holidays, President Obama’s Winter solstice Holiday Czar, Barry W. Lynn, will be forming a committee of experts to evaluate the ramifications of late calendar work-day/holiday obligations for government workers in proximity to ancient Christian ritual celebrations…


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