The Real Story of Christmas, by Sandy Cortez …

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released her Christmas message, and she would have been better served to sit this one out. Cortez always tries to sound intelligent, but once you get past the gesticulations when she is orating on the house floor or dig into the words she has chosen on her online posts, her thinking is inaccurate or more emotional than factual.

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He Wasn’t Just a Dog; He Was Family

It is Christmas again, a time to rejoice, but I find myself grappling with a pain from last year that runs deep within my heart. On a quiet morning like today, one year ago, my heart was shattered as I held my dearest Louie for the last time.  I cradled Louie in my arms as he ventured into the great beyond.

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If Santa was Asian

Steven He, according to this YouTube Channel profile, is a “Chinese-Irish actor and Comedy Sketch Creator. Professional Failure The Creator of “Emotional Damage” CEO of Failure Managment.” He is an Asian guy who makes fun of Asians.

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We Have Had Enough Darkness, It Is Time For The Light

I watched and listened to the Archbishop of New York, Timothy Cardinal Doyle, on Fox and Friends on Friday, and it may have been the most impressive few minutes I have ever witnessed from any member of the Catholic Clergy. He was on the show to deliver his Christmas message, and deliver he did.

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Klaus Schwab Vaxxmas Hits!

From the World Enslavement Forum, it’s Klaus ‘The Situation’ Scwab and Vaxxmas Hits! Listen to all your favorite Globalist Seasonal Classics while you enjoy a holiday feast of mealworms and crunchy crickets!

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Boston skyline bridge Photo by Venti Views on Unsplash

No White Christmas In Boston This Year

I have wonderful, fond childhood memories of Christmastime in Boston. It was a magical place in the 60s. Driving along the city streets was a kaleidoscope of lights and colors, as was the Boston Common. The window displays at Filene’s were masterful, and we were always in awe of the Enchanted Village at Jordan Marsh.

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Christmas Manger Star Geralt Pixabay Christmas-savior-birth-2874137 FI

Knowing the Christ of Christmas

Christmas is undoubtedly the most recognized and celebrated holiday around the world, and the owner of its namesake easily the most known human in all of history, and for good reason.  No human being has ever had the impact of Jesus Christ – alive or dead or resurrected.

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Christmas Manger Star Geralt Pixabay Christmas-savior-birth-2874137 FI

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! And yes, posting could be light today, and not just because a chunk of our authors lost power yesterday and may not have it back yet. It’s Christmas, and we wish you all a Merry One.

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Pelosi Happy Shwanza Merry Booze-kaa

Happy Shwanzaa!

Hijacking an existing holiday to get some adherents for your new one is as old as time. And if you’ve no idea the exact date of the thing you are celebrating, then it makes sense to piggyback away. Eases the conversion process.

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Christmas Manger Star Geralt Pixabay Christmas-savior-birth-2874137 FI

We Have All Lost Our Way

It will soon be Christmastime and I am always transported to my childhood, a time of gorgeous sunsets and those thoughts of limitless success now fading as the ever-deepening recession eats up food, sundries, and retirement money alike. As the snow fell outside, in a room illuminated by a yellow electric candle reflected on frosty … Read more

Christmas Manger Star Geralt Pixabay Christmas-savior-birth-2874137 FI

Twas The Month Before Christmas…

by Skip

Like a lot of times when I go looking for something here in the ‘Grok, other stuff keeps popping up. This was originally posted back in November 2009.  Putting aside some of the cultural references for now, the intent is still as valid today as it was back then.

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