The Left’s War on Education

The left’s objection to even one tax dollar finding its way into the hands of a church is legion.  It is (apparently) a matter of even greater concern that we might engage in tax policy that accidentally encourages others–by allowing them to keep more of their own money–to give some of it to a religious group.

Such is the current quandary, pressed into the arms of the New Hampshire Superior court judiciary; if a business owner is incentivized by the state to give their own money for a k-12scholarship to a non-profit that manages such scholarships, and some kid or their parents just happens to use their qualified scholarship award at a school run by a religious group, has the state shown an establishment of religion?

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NH School Tax Credit Challenged

I don’t have time to fisk the particulars yet but the ACLU and Barry Lynn of American’s United for the Separation of Church and State have filed a suit declaring the recently passed new Hampshire School Scholarship tax credit unconstitutional because it would (could) divert tax dollars to be spent at Religious schools.

Actually. .. It would allow business owners to keep more of what they earn from being tax dollars if they agree to offer scholarships out of their own pockets to students who might otherwise be prohibited from attending private schools.

So here’s a question.  Shouldn’t (Rev.) Barry Lynn and the ACLU file a suit against everyone who ever gave money to the collection plate or donated it to a religious charity, organization, or group? After all, if they do that, they can’t spend it on gas (taxed), or tobacco (taxed) or pay their property taxes with it, so (technically) they have all diverted those potentially taxable dollars to a (so-called unconstitutional) religious purpose.

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The True Meaning Of Christmas

Starting in 2011, public sector workers will no longer get days off related to any religious holiday, nor will they receive any compensation for these days unless they actually work. If as the liberals and secularists suggest, that we can’t have any God in government, then no one in government should get a paid day off as a result.

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