wreath christmas Photo by Trey Musk on Unsplash

Go Smoke Your Woke

With Christmas just a few days away, the ‘woke brigade’ is working hard to ensure every little lib’s dreams come true. So let’s take a look at what their busy workshops have been doing lately…

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Baby its cold outside

Sales of “Baby It’s Cold Outside” Soar – Listener Polling Drives Stations to Drop Ban

Radio stations pressured to drop the holiday classic Baby It’s Cold Outside are doing an about-face. Sales of the single soared after word got out that some stations had pulled the song.  Local listener polling showed overwhelming support for the tune. It’s not creepy. This isn’t some date-rape scenario. It’s an innocent flirty standard from a different era. … Read more

Seasoned Greetings

The Holidays are upon us.  It’s that special time of year when atheism gets more Constitutional religious freedom than any actual religion, the lefts devotion to separation of church and state does not prevent union government employees from enjoying paid days off for…religious holidays, and we get to remind ourselves that what believing in a power greater than yourself really means is trusting a godless government that fears no power greater than itself to act as our moral compass.

I don’t have to give you examples, the social and economic decline that has paralleled my life (at least) is evident all around us….but I will anyway.

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Grocery Stores And Courtesy…NOT!

“Anyone who believes the competitive spirit in America is dead has never been in a supermarket when the cashier opens another checkout line.” —Ann Landers

"Let me call my Manager while I pretend to care about your damned problem"
"Let me call my Manager while I pretend to care about your damned problem"

Your Turn, NH, a weekly New Hampshire Union Leader feature, gave ink to young Natasha Cole of Hudson, a U-Mass Lowell Student and cashier to speak out to the diseased and afflicted unwashed masses. Cole asks customers to, “Have some courtesy for your cashiers this holiday season,” and not to spew her with your collection of germs and bodily juices while shopping at the local grocery store. The points made by Cole are valid. No dispute there. I know nobody who desires to get sick over the holiday season, much less anytime.

I, as a consumer, being forced to use such establishments, am not lost on Cole’s underlying sentiments.  In fact, those very establishments that Natasha speaks of have overtly acknowledged the need for such disease consciousness with the installation of sanitary wipe dispensers at the grocery store point of entry. Customers are able to wipe down the shopping cart handle. Waterless hand sanitizer is also often present. But while the topic of exposure minimization would appear to be the thesis, the underpinning thesis  her topic is couched in, is courtesy.  Grocery stores! absolute fodder for social scientists and cultural commentators like me, so I would be remiss pass up such an opportunity to address…even expand the concept of grocery store courtesy.

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The True Meaning Of Christmas

Starting in 2011, public sector workers will no longer get days off related to any religious holiday, nor will they receive any compensation for these days unless they actually work. If as the liberals and secularists suggest, that we can’t have any God in government, then no one in government should get a paid day off as a result.

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