ruble-bribe money bribery

What Happened To Service And Sacrifice?

What justified the explosion from the original reimbursements for elected officials to the present pay scales that are approximately double the average working wage?  Yes, times have changed but still!  No wonder political science courses have soared in popularity!  What other career offers starting wages at the same level as the experienced worker? What began … Read more

125th Playing Of The Game & 1,500 Days And Posts

I could not think of a more upbeat topic to discuss on the day I mark my 1,500 article. I started posting on Conservative View From New Hampshire four years ago when I felt a need to help promote the conservative view of political happenings, formulate and express my thoughts, and stimulate conversation and debate. … Read more

Fire flames image credit Unsplash

“Tradition Is Not the Worship of Ashes, but the Preservation of Fire.”

Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts is featured in the most recent edition of Hillsdale College’s Imprimis. The topic is “Populist Conservatism and Constitutional Order.” He opens with this. The top-down, elitist brand of politics that has dominated the United States since the end of the Cold War—under Republican and Democratic administrations alike—has failed. Yes, we … Read more

I Said, NH Was Trending Right – But The Entire Country Has Too!

Back in August, I noted that NH Republicans had pulled to a practical parity with the Democrats in voter registration this past year: Interesting.  I was actually scurrying around the NH Secretary of State site looking for something else (dang if I can remember now) when I thought this was what I wanted. It wasn’t … Read more

Donald J. Trump

The Context Behind Donald Trump’s “Takeover” of the American Right

Donald Trump’s victory in last week’s election reinforced the impression that he and his followers have “taken over” the Republican party. The campaign saw Republicans like Liz and Dick Cheney switch sides and back the Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris. Now—after Trump won a second term—the right is locked in an impassioned struggle to pressure the … Read more

It’s Good to Be Right

kensley It’s OK to be right wing Yes, that’s correct— there’s nothing bad about being Right wing. US citizens and many all around the world have for decades been attacked by corporatist propagandists who slander the political Right. Correspondingly, the very nature of being on the Right entails conservative mentality— tolerance, turning the other cheek, … Read more

What Happened to True Liberalism?

Unfortunately, liberals have become mostly wacko. That is why ‘Liberal’ has become a word with negative connotations. The extreme religious right wing has always been the core of right-wing wackos. The transformation of liberals into “Karens” has been the failure of the mainstream liberals to maintain a core of self-respecting people who, in general, just want to help people.

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US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

Bold and Unscrupulous

In the 1970s, the moral wit of Tom Anderson precisely describes today’s rush toward economic suicide in Washington, DC: “Changing Nelson Rockefeller for Hubert Humphrey is like changing the pins on a soiled diaper without changing the diaper; you continue to get the same mess.”

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Frank Edelblut at the Belknap County Republicans

Frank Edelblut Should Get Back in the Race

In September, Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut spoke to the Brentwood Republican Committee. I don’t hang out there, but Frank had just announced his non-candidacy for Governor, and a neighbor and fellow Grokster was aching to understand the skullduggery behind the move and offered me a ride to the event.

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Voting is Bad for Democracy

A White Tower stooge has published an article in the New York Times suggesting that America might be better off if it bailed on the popular vote. Given the recent trajectory, who could blame anyone for thinking that?

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Notable Quote – “…A Battle Between Freedom and Subjugation”

Emphasis mine: Condemning capitalism is nothing new in this country. We’ve heard the angry criticisms all of our lives, and they weren’t novel when we were young. It’s tragic, really, that so many in the West see the tension between “capitalists” and their ideological opponents as merely a conflict between ideas about which economic system … Read more

Act Like Men Part 2: Politics and Passivity

Here in the Upper Valley the leadership among the local churches has a variety of approaches to leading their congregants, so far as teaching the Bible and sharing the gospel.  Some churches and their leaders take a traditional approach with acoustic hymns and worship styles followed by line by line exegesis of the scripture.

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Climate Hasn’t Changed in 80 Years…

Here on Monday, after the snowstorm blowing over the driveway, I sit here and recall a Letter To The Editor that I sent a week or two back stating the climate has not changed in all my 80 years. So, of course, the following week a writer scoffed at my observation.  May I suggest that … Read more

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