Every Thanksgiving we can now expect the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) to do to your holiday what it has done to everything else it touches–ruin it. This year is no different. They have once again equipped your obnoxious left-leaning relatives and friends with their very own palm-card.
The DCCC ‘cheat sheet,’ is a recurring feature (not unlike Irritated Bowel Syndrome) whose name the Free Republic correctly identified in 2009 as eponymous to the Party that produces it. 2012 is no exception. This years Cheat is filled with cherry picked, out of context, tin-foil hat foolishness, spun and slanted as it strives to fulfill the maxim, the bigger the lie the more likely it is to
be believed. (If Yves Goyut was alive we could add these to his collection of Socialist Fallacies.)
Unfortunately for the progressives we are no longer forced to listen to their media narratives and the Cheat sheet only serves to clarify who not to invite to next years feast.
So without further ado, here it is. The Annual DCCC Turkey.
Wait! Same warning as last year. Make sure you are not drinking anything while you read it. You may start laughing and we don’t want to detour any beverages through your nasal cavities. Eggnog comes to mind. Not pretty. Kind of like the 2012 DCCC Cheat Sheet.
By the way, the cheat sheet starts with some Democrat Majority ‘accomplishments" none of which include producing a budget (which Democrats have continued to obstruct for over three years now).
(See the bullet points on the jump)
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